No Damn Good (2/2)

Nov 04, 2012 19:04

Title: No Damn Good ( Read more... )

x-men, fanfiction, crossover, avengers, steve/tony

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Comments 7

digitalwave November 5 2012, 08:19:56 UTC
This was beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. :)


whreflections November 5 2012, 08:48:57 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, <3 :D


(The comment has been removed)

whreflections November 28 2012, 19:00:06 UTC
Thank you so much! <3


cluegirl November 5 2012, 19:11:31 UTC
Now, I won't say I'm not a fan of adultery as a theme in fics, but I will say that not many stories written around that theme work for me. I am a fan of redemption themes though, and when an author can manage to roll adultery, redemption, and loyalty into the same fic without turning it into a chumpfest, or making the forgiver into a doormat, I do sit up and take notice. I'm glad I clicked the link to this one now.

I am also glad you left the uncertainty in place, and the concept of forgiveness being a process, and trust being a gradient scale that would have to be allowed its occasional backsliding moments while Tony and Steve worked to get over what Tony did. So thanks for that.


whreflections November 28 2012, 19:03:09 UTC
Thank you so much; all of that means a lot to me, <3 I really wanted to show the two of them trying to handle this in a way that felt real, with Steve still loving Tony as much as ever and wanting to move on but doing so with the knowledge that he couldn't just trust Tony again overnight. And Tony, he has to face the fact that Steve isn't going anywhere and he needs to deal with that, to realize that he's been doing Steve a disservice by thinking of him as something else he's going to lose. I just really wanted to show that they're trying but they've got quite the distance left to go and I'm really glad it worked out, <3

Anyway, thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, ^^


scrollgirl November 5 2012, 20:23:10 UTC
Fantastic! Like the person commenting above me, I'm not usually for infidelity--it's not something I like exploring or celebrating in fic--but I love stories of forgiveness and reconciliation, and I like that Steve loves Tony enough to try again.


whreflections November 28 2012, 19:06:27 UTC
Thank you!! <3

I love stories of forgiveness, too, and while there's a lot of times I hate reading/writing about infidelity too, I wanted to show Steve ready to understand that Tony's fucked up but he still loves him, and for them both to be ready to try to keep moving forward even though it's difficult. I just really wanted to show that Steve loves Tony more than Tony expects, and they're both going to have to accept that and work from there. <3

Thanks again! I'm really happy you enjoyed it, :)


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