My Musing on Gay Marriage

Feb 26, 2004 12:32

I have complicated feelings on the whole gay marriage thing so i thought i might be better able to express my stance if i wrote it out.
First i don't think anyones legal rights should be dependant on their sexual preference (not that i think its a preference, i think for most ppl its just how you are). So the easy answer is yes i'm for gay marriage.
I had a converstation with a friend who had a long time boyfriend, and she explained how great it was in california because everyone used parter instead of husband/wife/girlfriend/etc, and that she could get benifets for her live in bf thru work without being married.
This bothers me more then gay marriage. It REALLY bothers me that ppl who aren't married feel that they should be given the same rights as married couples (excluding gay couples who would like to be married but aren't legally able to). For me this is the having your cake and eating it too. Either you want a commited relationship with all the benifits and consiquences or you don't.
But then I think that prenumps and divorces are way to plentiful too. What happened to love and trust?
And why is marriage a legal issue? I mean yes it was a legal matter back when woman were property, but now why? What interest does the state have in recogonizing marriage? Lately I've heard its to promote 'families' ie children, so should only couples with kids be recogonized (yes i also feel that regardless of sexual preference you should be able to adopt).
I was flipping channels and i saw some coverage of the gay marriage issue, and one opponent gave the interesting example of: Its agaisnt the law in most states for a sister to marry a brother (or other close relative). The reasoning being that they are to geniticialy close, and that their children would be at to high a risk for certain diseases. So what is to stop a brother from marrying a brother, they aren't at risk for having children.
The other issue i'm just waiting to get brought up is poligamy, Why cann't i have 10 husbands?
I guess what i'm asking is what is the under lying justification for marriage as a legal institution and i cann't seem to find an answer to that question that makes me happy. If its to be able to create your own family then why limit it to one partner? I mean i feel personally that marriage should be between two loving people. But why not three, or four or five?
No its 'not how most people live' but why is it our right as a society to say a relationship between two ppl is sacred but an alternative is not? I have alot of problems with poligamy, from the 'dateline' specials i've seen on it, but the problems i mainly have with it are that girls too young (14) are 'forced' into 'marrying' much older men.

I guess at this point i'm just rambling so i'll cut it off now.
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