
Feb 06, 2006 09:45


Make a post with ten things you fear. Friends, post your results as a comment... share one, a few, or all of them. :)
Taken from miss_watson

[one] Losing P.K. whether it be to a girl, or death. Either one would be horrible. I would never love again I'd cry & probably lose my job because of calling in over depression.

I have two #1's

[one] Losing my parents I know they will die one day, but I am SO not ready for it now. I fear losing anyone I love, family or friends, but especially P.K. & my parents.

In no particular order after those.

[two] Clowns I fucking hate them. They make me cry.

[three] small heights like say 20 feet. Because you won't die from that small of a heigth if you fall. You will just be hurt probably brain damaged & life would have no point.

[four] Spiders & actually, most bugs in general because they are just creepy crawly gross things.

[five] Rejection When P.K. & I got together, it was because I finally got the guts to tell him I wanted him to be mine. But that was extremely hard for me. I fear rejection like no other.

[six] Fear of dying Or, moreso, the fear of dying slow & painfully, or even slow, which is also tied into my fear of having Alhzeimers Disease(sp?) or cancer or something like that.

[seven] Dentists because I hate when my mouth is numb, & because of memories of my childhood dentist who would say "Oh, come on, it doesn't hurt!" When I'm not screaming because I'm faking it, but silently crying because he's drilling my teeth & it's not numb enough. Also comes from when I got my wisdom teeth out. I woke up in the middle & it hurt like a fucking BITCH!!

[eight] Someone in my house at night I hear something & always think it's someone breaking in, or already in & it scares the shit out of me.

[nine] Darkness Yes, I'm scared of the dark. I love that P.K. lives with me now because it's so much easier to sleep. He wanted to stay at his moms the night before the wedding so we don't see each other but I won't let him. Plus I hate sleeping without him. I don't fear it, I just completely HATE it.

[ten] Going blind or deaf or any other of the 5 senses. The world is just too beautiful & great. The things you do see & hear & smell & touch & taste that are wonderful out-do the bad things.
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