Jun 18, 2008 08:23
my wii fit age is 37 :(
Jun 09, 2008 16:07
I finally got home after RUSHING to the UFCW in slow-ass traffic....and I spent five minutes reading over the contract and voting for it. ugh.
traffic was at least better on the return trip. I have to go to work in twenty minutes, I have a killer migraine, and i'm going to have no time to relax before i'm on the road again.
May 30, 2008 15:28
FUCK YEAH I got an interview for the Fresh and Easy on warner off bushard for monday at 2:50
Nov 22, 2007 22:54
I suppose a shitty shift tonight is my payment for not working tomorrow or saturday and possibly not sunday.
Oct 22, 2007 22:04
Have the winds died down any? I can't hear them at all, which is very, very good. I might be able to open my window some!
Oct 21, 2007 10:57
Holy crap, the winds are shaking my window. I was watching a movie and suddenly my blinds flew into the air and the wind /almost picked up one of the little things in my front yard/. I think I'll go play golf today :V