hurray for me. if happiness is a warm gun, then there's smoke seeping from my mouth...
mmm, twisted metal. 'where is my mind?' (fight club, anyone?) inadvertant shoutouts rock my casbah. *giggles*
above, i thought i read about warm gum. happiness is warm gum. curious, & i am now nimble. but no, its all about the new-fine cutlery. to the smoking barrel, yes, bad jokes are little hampsters turning small wheels that make the ends of my mouth curl upward. congrats, Smith&Weston, im fucking dead.
if you need sit in hours, thursday noon-2. our new banner: THATS RADIO.
new topic (unrelated):
because i dont have enough time or thought to make a new post, i'll spill small guts here: i think ive decided i dont give a fuck.
[i was being too bitter, so i deleted this part about S/words and haircuts]
my mouth is rated R.
"bad jokes are little hampsters turning small wheels that make the ends of my mouth curl upward." that's so fucking awesome. i wish i had thought of that. *sigh* much to my chagrin, i'm so wicked retahded. *double sigh*
anyhoo, in case you didn't gather, i was super stoked that i got such a nice complement about being a good dancin DJ. i wasn't expecting a wee shout out, so you gave me a nice candy to keep in my pocket. hurrah.
i only feign to not give a shit...too bad i take most things personally.
my mom thinks i am too cute to curse. too bad i'm a fucking wizard. mwa!
no abstruseness today -- i'm feeling too simple minded :(.
i lied. breakfast club; judd nelson, fist in the air; 'don't you forget about me.' bang!
Comments 3
mmm, twisted metal. 'where is my mind?' (fight club, anyone?) inadvertant shoutouts rock my casbah. *giggles*
if you need sit in hours, thursday noon-2. our new banner: THATS RADIO.
new topic (unrelated):
because i dont have enough time or thought to make a new post, i'll spill small guts here: i think ive decided i dont give a fuck.
[i was being too bitter, so i deleted this part about S/words and haircuts]
my mouth is rated R.
anyhoo, in case you didn't gather, i was super stoked that i got such a nice complement about being a good dancin DJ. i wasn't expecting a wee shout out, so you gave me a nice candy to keep in my pocket. hurrah.
i only feign to not give a shit...too bad i take most things personally.
my mom thinks i am too cute to curse. too bad i'm a fucking wizard. mwa!
no abstruseness today -- i'm feeling too simple minded :(.
i lied. breakfast club; judd nelson, fist in the air; 'don't you forget about me.' bang!
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