My thinking about the world moves on two levels. There is a conscious level, on which I process ideas that I encounter in conversation and interaction with the world. On this level, I work out what I believe about the world, and try to formulate sensible and appropriate plans of action. At the same time, other parts of my brain, older parts, but
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Comments 31
There will be pain regardless of politics. If we get a new set of faces come November there will be austerity, and some blood letting, will it be enough?
If the empty suit dumb ass get to keep congress and senate, I would consider spending everything you have on paying down debt , and otherwise preparing for the worst. I can absolutely see the nationalization of 401k, IRAs and private funds, possible a Roosevelt type gold grab as well. We might see the above regardless of who has power. The biggest challenge of the next decade for the will be to pay the pensioners and the bloomers, and to keep bribing the union ghouls. Without a doubt the producing members of the society will be expected to pay.
The deficit ballooned dangerously during the Reagan years, and the economy stagnated. Still, we managed a very nice recovery in the 1990s (partly boosted by technology and partly by creative financial schemes, its true).
So, I guess I'm not too pessimistic about the future, long-term. It will not be painless, but when push comes to shove, even the Plutocrats will have to bend in order to serve their own long-term self-interest.
Our back-up plan is to retire overseas to a place like Panama or Ecuador, where the climate is mild, health care is decent, and the cost of living is low.
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