Here is Squall. He is awesome. I can't decide which is cooler, Cloud's huge ass buster sword or Squall's gunblade. Probably Clouds giant sword, but the gunblade is a close second ^_^. As you can see, the grafics arent nearly as good as with the Cloud pix, but take into consideration the fact that this was made in 1999 for a game on the playstation ONE. Look at Squall's scar....u can see when he got it in the upper right pic. I think Squall is so cool. So is Cloud. Stare at them and admire their awesomeness!!! And if you want to see more go to the:
I hope you enjoy my collages. I made all of it except one mini one in the second pic. It isn't much, but you guys should find it cool...and if you dont....go to hell =P. I wonder if i should make more of these. And do some anime ones. And get u guys hooked on all of these cool things....then my job would be complete =)
Enjoy ^^