Doubles (1/1)

May 04, 2010 18:30

Title: Doubles (1/1)
Author: WibbleyWobbley
Pairing: Kevin/Scotty
Rating: R
Summary: Smut. Fluff. Tennis. Not necessarily in that order.
Spoilers: Love All
Word Count: ~1,300
Disclaimer: Not mine
A/N: Everything I know about tennis I learned from Wikipedia.

Scotty smiled fondly at Kevin, who was clearly resisting waking up. Scotty took a few steps into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Then he leaned down and softly kissed Kevin’s shoulder.

Kevin moaned, an echo of the night before.

“Morning,” Scotty murmured.

“I don’t think I can move.”

Scotty grinned. “Well, you got quite a work-out yesterday.”

“Mm,” Kevin agreed, a smile on his face, “Not to mention last night.”

Scotty laughed. “How come we always end up doing it on the couch?”

“I don’t know,” Kevin responded, finally lifting a hand to his eye and rubbing the sleep out of it gently. He rolled over, staring up at Scotty lovingly. Then he narrowed his eyes questioningly. “What’s that?”

Scotty held out the plate. “Biscotti. Left over from yesterday.”

“I get to have some?” Kevin asked, only slightly in jest, as he sat up.

Scotty nodded, repositioning himself on the bed and crossing his legs. “Of course,” he said, sounding surprised by the question.

“I didn’t think you and Saul would share.”


“No!” Kevin closed his eyes in a wince. “I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry. It’s early.”

“It’s 9:45.”

“I meant,” Kevin continued, ignoring him, “that I’m sure it’s so good, you’d want it all for yourselves.”

Scotty looked at him skeptically. Kevin shook his head lightly, leaning in for a kiss. Then he reached out to the small plate, picking up a piece of the biscotti.

Scotty stared at his lap for a moment. “Kevin,” he said slowly. “I want you to be a part of this, you know. I mean, yes, of course, I want you to find your own passion. But I want to share this with you, too.”

Kevin moaned slightly as he swallowed his bite. “I’ve found my passion. It’s this biscotti. Good God, Scotty.”

“Kevin, I’m being serious.”

Kevin laughed. “I know,” he said. “And I promise to be a part of the restaurant. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll be there. And when you want me to back off, then I’ll do that too.”

Scotty pursed his lips, smiling softly. “OK,” he said. “Good.”

“But you deserve your own thing, you know.”

Scotty nodded. “I know. We both do. Just because we’re married, it doesn’t mean we have to give up our own dreams and interests. I like sharing things with you, but…ah.”

“Everyone needs their alone time, too?” Kevin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Scotty scrunched his nose, trying to figure out how to respond, and Kevin laughed. He leaned forward and kissed Scotty again. “I feel the same way; it’s OK. But…you know, it can be fun introducing each other to new things too.”

Scotty furrowed his brow. “What are you talking about?”

“You have plans today?”

“No,” Scotty said slowly.

“Good. Play tennis with me.”

Scotty laughed. “I don’t know how to play tennis.”

“I know. I’ll teach you.”

Scotty paused for a second. “I envision you getting extraordinarily frustrated, me getting annoyed and angry, and someone getting beaned with a tennis ball.”

Kevin shook his head. “No. Cooper won’t be there.”

Scotty tilted his head questioningly.

“Never mind. Come on,” Kevin said.

Scotty took a deep breath. “OK, fine.”


“OK, first things first. Serving. It’s the first offensive move you make. You want to use it to strike fear in your opponent’s heart. Drive it, fast, and if you get an ace, even better.”


“Unreturned serve. A good ball, but they don’t even stand a chance at sending it back to you.”


“Just…show me what you’d do naturally.”

Scotty stared at Kevin for a second, then sighed. He took the ball, tossing it up in the air, and swung at it. He barely made contact, and the ball went straight at the ground in front of him. Scotty scowled.

Kevin fought a smile. “OK, don’t worry about it. Common mistake.”

“Let’s go sit in the sauna,” Scotty suggested. “Ooh, or the bar.”

“It’s 11:30.”

“This coming from you.”

Kevin snickered, stepping closer to Scotty. He stood behind him and placed a hand low on his hip. Kevin adjusted his own stance as he pulled Scotty back into him.

“You want to spread your legs a little bit. One foot back behind the other one - no, not that far.”

“This is how pornos start,” Scotty observed, slightly breathlessly.

Kevin chuckled, low and deep in Scotty’s ear. “The tennis pro and the amateur?”

“Balls flying everywhere,” Scotty teased, turning his head slightly so Kevin could hear his soft murmur.

“Not to mention, the word love is right there in the scoring.”

Scotty smirked. “We could have our own grand slam right here.”

Kevin laughed, then said, “Take a firm grip on your racket.”

“Oh, baby.”

Kevin smiled. “No, I mean…take a firm grip on your racket.”

Scotty pouted. “You’re no fun,” he said.

“I just don’t want to get arrested,” Kevin said, still laughing.

Scotty was silent as he allowed Kevin to lift his arm, bending it slightly as he twisted it behind them. Kevin kept his hand wrapped around Scotty’s arm as he ran it down to his bicep from his forearm. He released Scotty’s arm then, skimming his hand along Scotty’s torso.

“God, you’re hot in this outfit, you know that?” he whispered.

“You don’t look half bad yourself,” Scotty returned softly, swallowing thickly.

Kevin sighed. “OK,” he said, clearing his throat. “Fake a couple serves.”

Scotty obliged him, swinging the racket forward quickly, before lifting it back to the starting position. With every simulation, he bent at the waist slightly as well, pushing back into Kevin’s groin. He smiled as Kevin started to respond.

“Stop it,” Kevin scolded, his voice wavering.

“What?” Scotty asked innocently.

“You know what. People are going to start staring pretty soon.”

“Let them.”

“Who knew you had such an exhibitionist streak?”

“You’re the one who wanted to share new things with each other.”

Kevin reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the tennis balls. “Here, Mr. Smart-Ass. Try serving again.”

“That was in your pocket? Here I thought you were just happy to see me.”


Scotty laughed, forcing himself to sober as he prepared to serve again. Kevin stepped away, and Scotty repeated the movements he had just been practicing. The ball sailed over the net, landing just inside the line on the other side. Scotty smiled, turning to Kevin triumphantly.

Kevin nodded, grinning. “Great job,” he said.

Scotty stepped closer to Kevin, just close enough to make contact again. “Great teacher,” he said softly.

Kevin stared at him, color appearing high on his cheeks. “I think that’s probably a good enough lesson for now,” he decided.

Scotty nodded, a smile growing on his face. “At this rate, I’ll know enough to play against you by, oh, next year.”

“I’d much rather play with you,” Kevin whispered.


“Race you to the car.”


Kevin sighed as he collapsed onto Scotty’s back. Then he slowly ran his hands along Scotty’s outstretched arms, eventually interlocking fingers with him underneath the pillow. He lifted and turned his head slightly so he could bite Scotty’s shoulder lightly. Scotty chuckled, the sound muffled by the pillow.

“We make a pretty good team,” Scotty murmured, voice hitching as Kevin moved his hips again in one last, shallow thrust. “Ketty?”

Kevin shook his head, eyes closed as he fought sleep. “Sounds too much like Kitty. Scovin?”

“Mmm. Sounds like a skin disorder.”

Kevin’s shoulders shook in silent laughter. “Oh well. One thing’s for sure, I like our version of a warm-up much better.”

“Me too.”

“This may be my new passion.”


“You know what I mean.”

“Go to sleep.”

“’Kay,” Kevin relented, pulling away from Scotty and rolling onto his back, one hand still wrapped around Scotty’s fingers.

smut and fluff, stand-alone

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