Title: Campbell Verse - Chapter Three
Pairings: Mary/John, Dean/Sam
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: Really???
Plot: What if… Mary had taken Dean’s advice and done what she could to stop what he had warned about happening? She leaves John and survives to see her fortieth birthday - until she accidentally reunited with John - and his son Sam.
AN// Sam is still Sam but he is not Mary’s son. Don’t ask!
Chapter One:
http://wicca-faith-fi.livejournal.com/57405.html#cutid1Chapter Two:
http://wicca-faith-fi.livejournal.com/58460.html RECAP
"Hi, I'm Dean Campbell."
John nodded at the man, watching him carefully. "John Winchester and this is my son, Sammy Winchester."
"What are you doing here Mary?" He asked, echoing her earlier question.
"Hunting, like my daddy taught me to."
"I guess we are all introduced. Now what?" Mary asked…
“Now you leave and let me do my job.” John said harshly before turning around and heading off in the opposite direction, dragging his lanky teenage son by the cuff of his sleeve.
“Excuse me!” Mary said, suddenly in front of John; hands at her hips. “Exactly how long have you been hunting?” She demanded to know, smug superiority lilting in her voice.
“More than sixteen years.” John said.
“Oh, sixteen years. What an achievement. Well I’ve been doing this all my life - and so has Dean; which makes our experience more than yours. So, maybe you should turn around and head off to bed while the real hunters deal with the vampires.” Mary told him, anger gracing her features.
“Is that right? Well what do you know about hunting vampires?” John challenged her. Dean and Sam watched on in horror and amusement.
“Everything.” Mary said arrogantly.
“So I guess you know about Daniel Elkins and the Colt too, then.” John said smugly watching as confusion and pique flashed across his ex-wife’s face.
“A myth. A bedtime story my pa used to tell me when I was a child.” Mary said, although she didn’t sound too sure.
“Nope. Not even close.” John said, lifting his leather coat to reveal the Colt - THE COLT! - holstered at his hip. Mary’s eyes went wide and Dean rushed over to get a closer look.
“My god!” Dean said in awe. Mary slapped him on the back of his head for the blasphemy but Dean paid her no heed. “This is it? This is the Colt? The one that can… KILL demons?”
Sammy rolled his eyes. “Its just a gun.” He pointed out. Dean turned disbelieving eyes on the younger man.
“Sammy, this is not just a gun. ‘Just a gun’ will do for werewolves if its loaded with silver. Just a gun will kill/maim intruders. Just a gun - if loaded with rocksalt - will repel ghosts. But this gun? This gun can do what no other can. Shoot someone who is possessed? And this gun rips a hole through the body and kills the demon. Doesn’t send it back to hell; it permanently destroys that demon. This is a gun worthy of worship.” Dean said.
Sammy did not look impressed. “Dude, you sound like a fangirl.” He said, laughter badly hidden in his dark eyes.
“He’s right.” John said to Dean which made the stars in the younger man’s eyes fade fast although the gave the gun one last longing look before backing away to a more respectable distance. “And he’s right.” John said; turning to his son. “This gun deserves… respect. It’s our ticket out of this life - just the way you want it kid.”
“You want out of this life?” Mary questioned Sam.
He blushed, embarrassed to be the focus of attention all of a sudden. Dean thought it was cute. He was tempted to say it out loud just to see Sammy blush again, however the man’s father was there and John already thought Dean was enough of a girl as it was. “Um. Yes, mam. I… I want to go to college. Live a normal life - marry and grow old surrounded by grandchildren and all that.” He said awkwardly. “Not that there is anything wrong with this life… I mean…” He stuttered out quickly, seeing Mary’s eyes widen and mistaking her look for one of offense rather than shock.
“No, no, Sam. I understand. It’s just… I wanted that too. Once. I almost had it to… but it slipped away. These things happen.” Mary sighed and Dean thought suddenly that his mom sounded old; something that was a rare occurrence for Mary who’s looks had lasted into her forties - hair still like spun gold, eyes bright and intelligent, skin clear and mostly unlined.
“More like it ran away.” John said under his breath. Mary and Sammy didn’t hear his words but Dean was still close enough that he caught them and pondered at their meaning.
“Well, since neither one of us is willing to walk away from this - how about we team up. For this hunt only.” John suggested reasonably.
“I’m in!” Dean said enthusiastically; watching Sam.
“Me too.” Sam agreed.
“No.” Mary said, dismayed. John’s eyes darkened with hurt. “There must be a way around this.” She said, desperately. She didn’t want to prolong her own - or Dean’s - exposure to John firstly because she didn’t want to risk bringing the demon down on them all; that yellow eyed son of a bitch that had forced her to run in the first place; and secondly because it hurt. Yes, she realised it had been a long time since she left John - but to find that he had moved on and fallen in love so quickly afterwards and was now on a vengeance gig for another woman was hurtful; especially when she had his first son here with her.
“Come on mom, one job.” Dean said, not having taken his eyes off of Sammy. Mary didn’t notice; too busy watching John trying to figure what the best way to handle this was.
“He already caught my scent, Mar. I can’t walk away from this even if I wanted to.” John taunted her.
“Fine!” She sighed. “Fine - I guess we do this the hard way.” She said and stormed off to the car she and Dean shared.
“See you in a few hours, Mary! Eddy’s Diner on 4th!” John yelled as he and Sam walked off into the beginning of a sunrise, intent on getting a few hours kip before heading out again.
“Dad, who is she?” Sam asked when the silence was too much.
“She’s a complication.” Was all John would say.
TBC - Please comment. Sorry for the long gap!!!