Mar 17, 2011 03:14
- 00:49:45: @ ElementalAmber Yes, it involves sewing onto a tight/dance tight. Should be fairly straight forward relatively speaking.
- 01:16:54: @ ElementalAmber I don't know really. How much sewing ability do you have? I'll see if I can find a tut or two that will give you the idea.
- 01:17:48: @ seelix @ElementalAmber What we need to do is schedule another costuming gathering, but this time, you know actually work on costumes.
- 01:30:29: @ ElementalAmber 1st sign up here: all the tuts are there and you have to be a member to see them.
- 01:37:02: @ ElementalAmber Tutorial.
- 01:37:52: @ ElementalAmber Once you are signed up start by reading/looking over the following links: (link to come)
- 01:38:25: @ ElementalAmber this one you don't need to sign up to see.
- 01:38:52: @ ElementalAmber
- 01:39:16: @ ElementalAmber
- 01:40:04: @ ElementalAmber Those will give you a better idea of how you'll want to go about creating the boot itself. Then the next link will...
- 01:40:44: @ ElementalAmber Show you how to sew it to a dance tight in order to keep them up where you want them.
- 01:41:05: @ ElementalAmber
- 01:41:59: @ ElementalAmber They should get to you soon. If they don't get to you in like 24 hours let me know and I'll poke them.
- 01:49:01: @ ElementalAmber ;-D
- 06:11:56: Photo: I can not be the only one looking at this and thinking… “Freddy’s been here bitches!” Right?
- 08:59:09: Is it wrong that the Series 3 Finale of Being Human (UK) is making my chuckle? And yes I'm talking about the endish bits.
- 09:12:41: AN OPEN LETTER - I would like it noted, wherever, that I am SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of TV shows reeling me in...
- 20:19:53: So, @sleepzilla, my "boyfriend", just suggested that my head is shaped like a penis... so, there's something.
- 20:30:00: @ sleepzilla Now I'm a liar with a penis shaped head?! I KNOW WHERE YOU SLEEP. -_-
- 20:54:17: @ apndrgn I think it's a total fake out tbh.
- 20:55:55: @ apndrgn Called it. ;-)
- 23:52:43: welcometoprimetime-bitch: I have one! It is AWESOME. Totally worth the $60 it cost. Oh, did I mention that...
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