Mar 19, 2011 03:14
05:51:20 : Photoset: 1, 2 Freddy’s coming for you… 3, 4 better PUT ON THIS AWESOME FUCKING SLEEP MASK BITCH! =D YOU... 09:10:34 : dcwomenkickingass: I understand the necessities and reason behind not going with the classic costume, but I... 09:24:05 : @ theemdash @momebie THAT SOUNDS LIKE A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FALSEHOOD TO ME! 09:34:41 : @ momebie @theemdash Speaking of, would either of you have any interest in a Dick/Robin/Nightwing related necklace, earrings and or bracelet? 09:39:15 : @ momebie Nothing yet, just gaging interest. ;-) 09:42:08 : @ momebie LOL! How do you feel about charm bracelets? 09:51:22 : Photo: I am fair certain that I like this much more than I really should… AND I CAN’T BE ARSED TO CARE! =D 10:00:59 : Word can not express how much I NEED THIS!! by *misscoffee on @ deviantART 10:04:19 : @ momebie I KNOW RIGHT?! I WANT TO SQUISH IT INTO MY BOSOM! 10:40:52 : UGH! I AM RIDICULOUSLY TIRED! WHY CAN I NOT SLEEP?! 10:51:48 : MY GODS I WANT THESE LIKE BURNING! Nike SB Freddy Krueger 10:58:00 : On the list of things I do NOT want - The porn tumblr that just started following me randomly. 11:57:58 : Photoset: Okay, look, I’m sorry, but it’s GOT to be said: Bruce Wayne new Bat suit? What the HELL is up with... 12:05:52 : @ scifigirl UMMM, DUH! THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS FOREVER FUCK YES!!!! 12:30:08 : @ CeeTia_M Yeah, I get the "make is different, make it better" part, but that this is just completely unnecessary! I mean REALLY. 12:42:05 : @ CeeTia_M I'm not against the new look on the whole, it's just that cod piece. It kinda make me go 0_o o_o -_- 12:42:45 : @ anhonestpuck @gojiro @ElementalAmber BOOBIES?! I MISSED CHESTILCES?!?! 12:51:37 : @ CeeTia_M -snort- Honestly, that's the first thing I'd aim for myself. I loath Bruce Wayne. 12:52:34 : @ ElementalAmber OH IT HAPPENED! MAYBE JUST IN MY MIND, BUT IT HAPPENED! @anhonestpuck @gojiro 20:09:14 : DC Women Kicking Ass: Didio confirms: Wonder Woman keeping new costume after Odyssey - dcwomenkickingass:... 20:38:40 : dcwomenkickingass: I’m not keen on the blue boots or the weird fabric choice, but overall (and prepare to be... 20:51:15 : Photo: angelophile: OMG THIS PHOTOSHOPPED VERSION (couple with better fabric) WOULD HAVE MADE ME WET MY... 20:53:04 : Photo: -FALLS OVER LAUGHING- 21:41:54 : rosalarian: I absolutely agree with this assessment and it saddens and ENRAGES me. 22:14:58 : spandexandsportsbras asked: (Can’t reply to replies… *sigh*) I will concede that the shiny fabric (?) is a... Tweets copied by