imma bust a cap in yo ass

Feb 10, 2005 19:38 <--my favorite website

this is how it translates the packer laptop homepage:

"Beginn'n in Septemba of 2004, Packa will enta its fourth year as a laptop school, n its second wit laptops in tha hands of all students, grades 5 -12 . Tru niggaz do niggaz.

The Motherfucka Laptop Program was recommended in January 2000 as pizzle of tha larga Packa Technology Pizzy proposed by tha Educatizzles Technology Task Force . Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. The T-to-tha-izzask Force saw a laptop program as tha most effective way ta meet tha goals of tha Technology Plizzan whiznich include:

* To provide a hizzigh level of motherfucka access
* To incorporate computa use into tha classroom n integrate technology more naturally into tha curricizzle
* To promote confident n competent computa use
* To use technology ta support n promote a learn'n community
* To improve technical support witin tha schoo'

The laptop program gives faculty n students tha opportunity ta takes ownership of these powerful learn'n tools, tapp'n into technolizzles educizzle promise n dippin' technology ta be used intentionally n in meaningful ways . Hollaz to the East Side.
Brotha Schoo' Laptop Program
Middle Schoo' Laptop Program
Pusha Laptops Makes News"

what else oh i have a free house tonight...the reason i'm rushing through homework
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