Hay everyone!!! This is my old school HP Rec and HP/BtVS(and AtS of course) Crossover Rec List from Twisting the Hellmouth and Why I love them ^_^ Enjoy!!! (btw, everything is completed except 3 stories, its really hard for me to read a non-completed story, I don't know why~) (Oh! HP =Harry Potter, BtVS= Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and AtS= Angel
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Comments 2
And I wonder if anyone else is enough of BOTH a HP fangirl and a Buffy fangirl to squee the house down at the mention of Lucius/Catherine... Probably not, but that is the most FUCKING WICKED IDEA EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVAR!!!!
And Faith/Percy???? And they're both IC???? WTF???? I'm DYING. And I'm afraid I may have to write crossover fic...
I suddenly want to write something with an interaction between Spike and Draco. Just an argument. The snark alone would kill me. And now I'm imagining how funny Xander and Ron chatting could be... Or Willow and Hermione geeking out. :D And Harry and Buffy could compare notes. Wow. There are a LOT of similarities here. *tilts head* Why am I just putting this together now??? And since Spike/Xander is my Buffy OTP, should that mean I ought to like Draco/Ron? *ponders more*
Surprisingly there are many huge HP and BtVS/AtS fans, in fact I think HP/BtVS and AtS is the biggest HP crossover, for a while I thought it would be LotR, but I strongly doubt it.
LOLX Lucius/Catherine! I wonder if I can find a Crossover fic that is centered around them~
Oh yeah, Faith and Percy are in character <3 just the way everyone likes them (or at least I like them best that way ^_~)
Definitely! A lot of the HP personalities correspond greatly with BtVS/AtS! Everyone loves using Spike and Draco (definitely look into A Drop in the Ocean and Snake Charming). There is a lot of Spike/Draco, I have to rec some of course.
And LOLZ at the Draco/Ron! If liking Spike/Xander can equate to liking Draco/Ron, can that mean that you'd also be a Draco/Xander and Spike/Ron shipper?
YAY~ I is feeling the Luff!
*huggles back*
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