Alright Amanda, this is for you.
1. Getting compliments on my clothing.
2. Receiving 3 awesome Bright Eyes cds in the mail today :)
3. Hanging with old friends
4. Hanging with my new improved group of friends.
5. Finding that everyday, I have someone to talk to in school.
6. People who scream "HI!" Or "Liz I Love You!" in the hallways.
7. Anyone who flirts with me and makes me feel amazing.
8. Everyone for always being there for me.
9. For meeting random new people.
10. Playing guitar with Jeff Alvarado (who I never see anymore!).
11. Seeing my friend's little sister grow up and become a beautiful teenager. <3
12. Realizing that this year and next year are the best times of our lives.
13. Fantasizing about great scenarios to come, or might occur during the weekends (sorry Manda I stole it because I'm the same way! lol)
14. Walking to my bus stop in the freezing cold and blasting awesome music.
15. Watching the sun rise every morning pulling into Whitman.
16. Seeing amazing films that inspire me.
17. PASTELS!!!! (and of course Lee for always inspiring me and helping me to try new things <3 her talent is awesomeness.)
18. All my girl friends.
19. Sketching people in class who have no idea I am staring at them.
20. Hoping that certain someone will just look at me an extra second, smile at me, indicate something that makes my heart flutter.
21. Cookies & Chocolate. (and not gaining any far).
22. Finding out about new bands!!!!!
23. Finding out about new bands, and liking them!!! lol
24. When anyone leaves me comments on my journals. :-D
25. The fact that Amanda created this idea for this list.
26. Mocassins.
27. Creating a new and improved outfit to wear tomorrow that you feel confident and flawless in.
28. When someone makes me genuinely laugh.
29. When any body gives me a good true hug.
31. Having a cousin who is more like a brother to me than my retarded brother ever was.
32. Imagining what my life will be like in 10 years.
33. Getting Cosmogirl and Seventeen Magazine in the mail when I come home from school.
34. Knowing that in just three months I will have a car and a license.
35. The Summer '05!
36. Concluding that Schnurr is our school mascot.
37. Parties at Liam's.
38. Liam's casa.
39. Cortney's boyfriend.
40. Fantasizing how I will lose my virginity someday, who it will be with and where.
41. Photography, even though I suck.
42. My art class, and my art teacher.
43. The fact that my art work will be on display at a festival at our school in two weeks.
44. My breasts. (hey! can't a girl like her body?)
45. The comfort that someday I will live on my own.
46. Emily Alvo, that girl is so fucking crazy.
47. When a cute boy smiles at me/talks to me with interest.
48. Nights when its crisp, cold and the sky is perfectly clear and filled with stars. (such as tonight)
49. Just sitting at home watching television.
50. Chai tea.
51. Oatmeal cookies (especially made from scratch by Chloe).
52. All the senior boys I've always known as acquaintances but actually hang out with a little this year (ben, rich, matt vita, etc.)
53. Finding out that all of the boys above love Monty Python movies, and watching the movies with them.
54. When I think of Monty Python I think of Manda, and our Mega Monty Python Movie Marathon we had a few months ago (and should do again).
55. Making movies with my friends.
56. Spending 12 hours editing film.
57. Watching the movie Easy Riders, a total stoner movie made in 1969 with my mom, as my mom explains things to me about joints. rofl.
58. My mom calling my cousin a stoner in an endearing fashion.
59. My cousin being a stoner.
60. Knowing I've come into my own this year.
61. Beginning the long journey of loving myself for who I am.
62. Embracing my differences from others.
63. Trying coldstone, finally for the first time, and being scared at the addictiveness...
64. Meeting someone new and then always running into them outside of school and shit.
65. My new photo class.
66. My lunch period. <3
67. Heather for making me her model for her photo project.
68. Knowing that the stupid gangster kids in my school will be flipping burgers and mowing lawns someday.
69. I can where a shirt that says Everyone Loves a Jewish Girl. <3
70. My hair, most of the time.
71. When my skin clears up.
72. Buying new clothing that I absolutely love.
73. Johnny Depp & Tim Burton film projects. They always work out.
74. MY leapoard print fuzzy slippers.
75. Playing beethoven in orchestra.
76. Seeing Michelle in school lol.
77. Amanda for always hooking me up with awesome new random music.
78. The Homecoming Queens, and their growing success.
79. Kristy's boyfriend Ray's two amazingly awesome cats. They are the cutest craziest cats I've ever met.
80. My eyelashes that never need mascara.
81. The practically new MP3/CD player that my cousin gave me for free to install in my car. Yessssss.
82. Napoleon Dynamite.
83. Looking forward to Friday and Saturday nights...on a monday morning.
84. Deciding I officially and truly don't care what people think about me anymore, espcially compared to 8th, and 9th grade.
85. My new bag.
86. Playing old school Mario Kart on nintendo.