i rather enjoyed making your acquaintance, despite my drug-induced haze. having seen that you've been on ambien before, i hope you understand my lack of human-ness for the evening. and i must say, the fact that you provided me with therapeutic eggs made my weekend. i've been lonely.
so i've added you back without warning, if you would like to be decontaminated, just let me know.
also, i do believe we should get to know each other. you appear to rock hard.
Hi! It was great finally meeting you too. I could tell you were awesome, so I'm adding you back.
I think you kind of lucked out being in a drug induced haze considering the movie we sat through:) haha, but hey, we were the only ones in the theater by the time the credits started to roll, so that says something.
Comments 4
so i've added you back without warning, if you would like to be decontaminated, just let me know.
also, i do believe we should get to know each other. you appear to rock hard.
I think you kind of lucked out being in a drug induced haze considering the movie we sat through:) haha, but hey, we were the only ones in the theater by the time the credits started to roll, so that says something.
We'll have to all get together again:)
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