Title: Saloon Blues
Author: WickedGame
Pairing: past 1=2, 2+1
Genre: gen, with a touch of romantic past, AU
Rating: PG
Warnings: foul language
Notes: Just trying to write something. This is actually inspired by a plot for a western fic I’ve had brewing in my brain for some time.
Heero Yuy set his shot glass upside down on the bar in front of him and shifted slightly in his seat. The saloon was muggy, and he would be glad to leave in a few minutes and get back to his small house across town.
“This seat taken?” a familiar voice asked. Heero didn’t have to even look up to know who it was.
“Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying,” Heero said as he signaled the bartender for another shot.
“Come on, Heero. Is that any way to treat your best friend?” the man asked as he took the seat on Heero’s right.
“You’re not my best friend anymore, Duo. Not since you up and left me,” Heero down the freshly poured shot and turned the glass upside down. He had a nice little pyramid going and he sure as hell wasn’t going to break the pattern. “You know, I’d think you’d have enough sense to know that I don’t want to be anywhere near you. You’re lucky I don’t draw my pistol right here and now and blow you away.”
“Is that any way for a former lawman to talk, really?” Duo asked as he took a long drink of beer that had been set down in front of him.
Heero shook his head. “Those days are behind me. I’m a businessman now. Just one of the regular folk, trying to earn some money and maybe move out to San Francisco.”
“I’d find you there, too,” Duo said offhandedly. “I’ll keep chasing you, if that’s what it takes.”
“Takes for what?”
“However long it takes for you to hear me out, listen to me, let me apologize and then get you out of those tight pants and into a warm bed,” Duo said candidly.
Heero didn’t want to listen and didn’t want to hear an apology. “You walked out on me, and didn’t give me any word of where you were going or what you were doing. Forgive me if I don’t exactly feel like shedding my clothes and letting you fuck me into next week.”
Heero signaled the bartender and signed his tab. Then he stood and placed his black hat on his head. “It’s been nice to talk with you, Duo. But now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get home.”
“You’ll come around, Heero,” Duo laughed as his former lover walked out of the saloon. He slammed another shot down and then looked at his reflection in the mirror. “You’ll come around, like you always do.”
-The End-