How to create this text brush/wordy-icon. (Made for PS7, easy translated though.)
Note: This icon/brush was created by myself, and is only available for use with credit. Please do not copy this tutorial and claim the icon as your own. This tutorial is only for educational purposes.
File - New.
Width = 100.
Height = 100.
Resolution = 72.
Set your foreground color to black.
First, obviously, is the text. This is more or less a text brush with extra effects built in. So, we will treat it as such.
So write your text! I used two different texts for this brush. If you don't have these fonts, you can download them at "I can do it with" is written in "Lucida Console", bold, font 8pt, anti-aliasing on Smooth, with -100 tracking.
(This is tracking, in case you don't know. Also, please take note of the Aa on the bottom, which stands for Anti-Aliasing.)
"disgrace" is written in a font called "Fixedsys", font 14pt, anti-aliasing on Crisp.
Copy and paste the "I can do it with" layer. Blur it. (A warning will come up that says you will have to Raterize the layer. Click ok.) Set Opacity to 30.
Align the two fonts together on the icon so they look nice.
Now comes the torn edges part. I used
this torn-edges brush.
Cut a pretty jagged section of it out. I used this section cause I thought it was the most torn-looking:
Copy that selected section and paste it onto your icon. Set blend to Multipy. Move it towards the side of the text like so.
Repeat the above step 3 more times so that you have black edges on all four sides of your text. When you're done, you should get something similiar to this:
Now select your paintbrush, and get rid of all those excess white spots. (You can create a new layer if you really want to.)
Layer - Flatten Image! (See, wasn't that pointless?)
Grab that magic little wand tool and select all that icky black.
While that black is selected, hit Ctrl+I. We have white! Shinnnyyy...
Now hit Shift+Ctrl+I. (That's the inverse shortcut combo.) You've selected ONLY the image itself, leaving out all that white. Copy and paste it as a new layer, and throw a drop-shadow on that sucker. [Layer - Layer Style - Drop Shadow] You can tweak the settings if you'd like.
Looks pretty awesome, and you can stop there if you want, but I wanted more of a heartbroken girlfriend buring a letter feel. So smack on an Inner Shadow as well. [Layer - Layer Style - Inner Shadow]
And la de da! Slap it on an icon and be off!