I'm not sure if anybody that reads this has seen the footage of the douche bag that was beating the cows and calves on the dairy farm in Ohio or not. I was going to get the video from YouTube but I thought better of it. Not only that but I saw the long version and it just made me want to kill a motherfucker.
I have to get this out of my system, hence the reason for putting it behind the cut. First of all, let me get to the WTF part right out of the gate. If you hate your job so much that you need to stab something with a pitchfork, clobber something over the nose with a crowbar or punch the face of a calf to let out your frustrations then your a fucking lowdown piece of shit. I would never go as far as to say that I'm into PETA and that's because A.) I eat meat. B.) I don't want to come off as a hypocrite, but Fuck. Beating a dumb animal senseless for your own way of coping with the job makes you the biggest fucking douche bag of all time. If I was there and saw one Billy Joe Gregg *true name go figure) do any one of the acts that he did. I would have been in prison for murder. There are just somethings that make me see black and when I get there it's never going to be a good out come. I've never been able to stand by and watch something or someone get beat down just for he sake of doing so without stepping in. Maybe I'm just wired that way but there hasn't been anything in quite some time that has pissed me off to the level that this fucking puke ass motherfucker has.....and then laugh about it on top of it all.
A bit longer than normal for my WTF Wednesday but I just wanted to get that off my chest.