Feb 05, 2005 20:26
darrel i miss u man comment back and 2 everyone else.... ummm HI
Feb 05, 2005 12:08
thank u emily for fixing my lj
-peaceout robin
Feb 04, 2005 18:13
hey i really dont care ig you dont like my lj so dont be bitchs about it alright comment back
Feb 02, 2005 18:43
hey there was a dance today and it was ok but there werent any slow song.I ask the guy like 500 times but never does it i really wanted to slow dance wit MAX hey yah u comment back
Feb 01, 2005 17:54
Hey if u want to go to the dance with me comment back but if you dont still comment back
Jan 31, 2005 16:22
Hey do u think Max likes me , I hope she does if you no anything comment back
peace out-Robin
Jan 28, 2005 17:47
hey i like this girl named max i want to go out wit her so bad
Jan 27, 2005 22:00
Gal i dont think you should be mad at scotty ... i heard that a lot of people think MOLY MARONE is a SLUT but i dont beieve that peace out
Jan 26, 2005 20:28
hey guess what i like EDEN again so dont be bitches about who i like a please dont try to get me with ohter people its turnig out to be very gay
Jan 11, 2005 21:30
HAve u ever had a friend that wanted to go out wit some1 that realy didnt like him or her well i did i feel so bad for them.u no if i can get all my friends to go out wit the person that they want to go out wot i would
unless i like sorry!!¿