-Bad Habits-
(check all that apply)
1. I cuss way too much ( )
2. I drink ( )
3. I bite my nails (X - I go through phases when I don't, though... like that matters...)
4. I smoke (X - but not often AT ALL, and I haven't for at least 2 months, since summer)
5. I spend money I don't have (X - Yeah, Brandon's, and yes, I do feel [relatively]guilty about that)
6. I maxed out credit cards ( )
7. I talk on the phone too much ( )
8. I sleep around ( )
9. I steal ( X )
10. I lie ( X - But ONLY ONLY ONLY to my parents. Otherwise, I don't believe in lying)
12. I overly stuff my face (X - Can't you people TELL? Haha, yeah, coming from someone who... how did Robin put it? Something like "If you can count your ribs from behind, you're waaay to skinny" that's me, you can count them any way you look. *proud*)
13. I don't eat enough ( )
14. I throw up my meals ( )
15. I cut myself ( )
16. I envy people (X - I totally envy awesome people with awesome personalities and lives worthy of preserving under glass, but I'd never give you mine!)
17. I download music illegally from the internet ( )
18. I bite my bottom lip (X)
19. I chew with my mouth open ( )
20. I smack my food in my mouth ( )
21. I burp a lot ( )
22. I chew ( )
23. I cheat on tests ( )
24. I copy other peoples homework ( )
25. I txt message too much ( )
(surveys_a_list made this)
-Have you ever been...-
1. Naked infront of somebody? well, yeah...
2. Drunk? not completely
3. Stoned? sadly, yes. Ew, pot is gross.
4. Caught stealing? No
5. With someone elses bf\gf? Yeah... Oh, that's not something to be proud of....
6. Caught cheating on a test? no
(made by surveys_a_list)
1. Have you ever been jealous of your best friend\biggest enemy? yes, but not now that I like myself...
2. Have you ever stuffed your bra? no
3. Have you ever stolen something from your best friend? no
4. Have you ever lied about your weight? yeah, once I told my class I weighed 135 because they were complaining about me and saying I was anorexic.
5. Have you ever lied about your grades? probably
6. Do you think you're a good person? well, I'm nice to people and I don't judge them... Oh wait, that means I am. =)
(surveys_a_list made this survey)
What kind of bad things would you do?
1. Would you ever get drunk at a party, even though your under age? yeah
2. Would you ever go commando? no
3. Would you ever have a one night stand? not my style.
4. Would you make out with a stranger for $100? yeah, but I wouldn't eat meat for $1,000,000
5. Would you go streaking? no
6. Would you ever smoke a joint? yes
7. Would you ever lie to you parents? yes
8. Would you ever ditch school? yes, I love to. It's more interesting outside of school than inside...
9. Would you ever cheat on a bf\gf? only on a girlfriend, haha
10. Would you ever get a tatoo? no... but I have been considering changing my opinion of this and getting a tattoo on my wrist to match Brandon's, if we ever got married, but it would be different... He wants kamikaze in japanese, I would get the wiggy heart...
11. Would you get a tatoo on your a**? no!
12. Would you get a piercing? yes! at least 7 more on my ears and maybe a belly button ring if I ever got fat and preppy. [didn't I JUST say I don't judge people?]
13. Would you get your nipples pierced? no!
14. Would you go bungee jumping off a bridge? no!
15. Would you go skydiving? no
16. Would you go on a blind date? no
17. Would you ever run from the cops? good question
18. Would you date somebody five years older than you? I kind of cut the line at 3 now, but maybe if I were 20 it would be different...
19. Would you ever steal something? I've done it before...
20. Would you ever steal a car? no
21. Would you ever steal your bf's boyfriend\girlfriend? if SHE was way hot
22. Would you ever cheat on a test? probably not...
(surveys_a_list made this)
*MoRe AbOuT yOu*
1. Write a sentence that describes you completely... Emaciate me.
2. What kind of music do you like? that good stuff that I like, you know, don't you?
3. Are you involved in sports or dance or nething like that? no, but I always wanted to dance. EMLY! Teach me to belly dance!
4. Do you like being center of attention? yeah, it's something I've recently realized is a bad habit/trait of mine.
5. Do you like being #1 or is second best acceptable? I want to be #1 for myself; I don't care how I amount compared to other people...
6. Do you like being complimented? yes, especially by people I strive to be good enough for
7. Are you well liked by everyone? N.O.
8. Do your teachers like you? my French teacher is obsessed with me, and I think my art teacher likes me okay. Oh, and my 9/10th grade lit teacher is way creepily obsessed with me.
9. Are you generally a good kid? On the outside and in my initial appearance?
10. Have you ever stole nething? What was it? pins and clothes... not to mention lame stuff that I wouldn't want to pay for
11. Do you have any diseases? no
12. Have you ever gotten the flu? well... yeah...
13. Have you ever had to go to the hospital for something? yes, but not in a while. *knock on wood*
14. What was your craziest dream? I dreamed when I was in primary school that aliens landed in my back yard and bit my brother's fingers off and I poured milk on them and they grew back.
15. How late did you sleep in today? ONE! omg.
16. If you were one of your friends, would you like you? well, seeing as they like me now [I hope, haha], I don't see why it would be any different...
17. If you could think of a million dollar invention, what would it be? it wouldn't be, because I couldn't think of one
18. Are you cocky? no, I hate cocky people, too, so don't burst my bubble if I am
19. Are you a good listener? yes, seems like people know I listen well, too, because they know I will listen to them
20. How opinionated are you? extremely if I believe in something
(like this survey? get one at surveys_A_list)