3. Most embarrassing moment of the year.
2. New Years Resolution.
1. A few Most MEMORABLE moments from 2010
HAPPY NEW YEARS.!! Welcoming 2011 with open f*ckin arms.!!! LMFAO
EkkkKKkKK I missed yesterday due to my laptop wanting to be bipolar with the internet access... (0.o) So I will do both of these today. =]
My Most Embarrassing Moment Of 2010
Ughhh I have had literally SO MANY embarrassing moment this year and its VERY hard to choose just one BUT if I had to this one would definitely be it and YES I'm going to tell the story.. hahahaha
Summer night of drinking and fun at my house my friends and sisters friends were over hanging out drinking in my backyard. My bright idea hit me [sarcasm] saying lets go swimming. LOL Well we decided to race from the back porch to the pool and jump into the pool. [alittle over 5ft] So my friend Mari & I it was already our 10th time diving in and we raced each other lets just say I DID NOT make it into the pool. I jumped alittle to early and hit my right side onto the pool odee hard. The funniest part is everyone was in the pool lookin for me and Im laying on the ground crackin up.
I did wake up the next morning and my right side from my should to my hip was seriously bruised and I went right back at it that night.
My New Years Resolution
Well to be honest I really don't have a New Years resolution, it seem like every time I make one I can never follow through with it. So I'm going to do the most easiest one for me ever and there are a few of them.
1. Have a healthy 2011
When I say healthy I do mean eating right which I have absolutely NO problem doing anyway I just have a weakness for cookies.. LOL I have already signed up for the gym with my girly so I'm starting early with being fit. YayyyyNess
2. Make sure Yani has the best she can have.
With this I DO NOT mean spoil her in anyway other than love and attention. I will no matter what keep her safe and happy, she has everything she could have. She is my everything and making her a spoiled brat will not happen. Ughhh she's starting school this year . AHhhhhh