I've Spent The Last Few Days

Aug 12, 2010 01:39

Actually since last Wednesday August 4th, trying to get in contact with my roommate. We live in Baltimore, Maryland where we moved in November of 2008 after we both got scholarships to Uni. Things were going great until the wee hours of February 5th, when our apt building burnt to the ground. See this post HERE.

Talk about history repeating itself. I can't believe we're homeless again in the space of less than 2 years.

I've been in New York for the last few months, but K and I keep in regular contact. So when I couldn't get in touch with her I didn't worry about it for the first 48 hours. Then came 3, 5 and finally 7 days with no response from her, no text message, voicemail or email. She managed to call me this morning and it was then that my world once again came crashing down. The reason why she hasn't been in contact is because our building was deliberately set on fire by an upset tenant, who got evicted due to non-payment of rent. This happened last week Tuesday night. She wasn't home thank god and no one was hurt. We lost most of everything once again, we only have clothing and a few small things that was salvaged from the wreck that was left.

Needless to say I broke down this morning when I got that phone call. We have renters insurance(we didn't have it the first time) so hopefully we'll get some money to replace things, however since this is a case of arson I don't know if we'll get anything or even get the full amount of what our policy is worth.

I'm going to Baltimore this weekend to get my stuff and I'm permanently relocating back to New York. I love Maryland but its been one hard knock after the other. A person can only take so much before they reach a breaking point and mine has been taxed. It hurts to do it, but K decided to stay and I'm moving back to NY. Most of my scholarship was private so no worries on that front.

I'll also be traveling frequently between Maryland and New York until this issue is settled, which means fighting with the insurance company. Plus I have to settle myself back here in NY, which will take a few weeks. I'll be offline but popping in and out occasionally so that you guys don't worry.

Thanks to those who left me messages, sent emails, comments and PM's yesterday. Love you guys.

real life: homeless

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