
Sep 17, 2004 09:48

So Idecided one important thing last night: this isn't Gio's fault. I let myself become this way. And now I am going to fix it. I'm going to get skeeny again. Well atleast get a flat tummy ( I can never be to thin...I don't have the bone structure for it) I'm gunna make myself look purtier, and I am going to concentrate on staying in this ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

me_so_stellar September 17 2004, 09:58:54 UTC
your pretty!!! just because you think you arent skinny doesnt mean you arent pretty!! :-D <3

i would be on the pro-womans side because...well...i am woman, hear me roar....ROAR!!!...and plus it just isnt right to not let a woman run for it because we have the same rights as men so why should running for pres. be different? cant we all just get along and share? world peas!!!


wikked_dreams September 17 2004, 11:04:22 UTC
lol i dont like peas!! They feel yucky when you chewy em up!


illusiveterrors September 17 2004, 10:41:20 UTC
muh little sister<3<3 you better pick me!


wikked_dreams September 17 2004, 11:05:41 UTC
pick you for what you silly llamafied emu??? And whos side would you be on!!!! you must answer or ill bit you bish!


belle_je September 17 2004, 12:45:59 UTC
womens side. why should women be able to do something im sick of all this stupid pro men bullshit. i mean, who said that a women shouldnt be president. i mean that was said more than 100 years ago. things have changed a lot since then. so fuck me. women for president. especially oprah


wikked_dreams September 17 2004, 18:07:20 UTC
lmao ok very passionate are we.


luvenmitysolace September 17 2004, 15:01:41 UTC
I think women would be better presidents, either way. I mean, we actually think for crying out loud. Who better to run our country than someone who will sit and THINK about all sides of the issue, whatever issue that might be. Men just whisk thorugh a problem like it's no biggie.

Vagina Power!

Oh, oh! We should hang out! You should call me or something, I wanted to ask you about today, but you're not online.

Or else, you'll feel the Milagro wrath...(hey, I can pretend)


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