1. You hold the record of Public Enemy No.1 at LL. 2. Mars Attacks. 3. A cantalope. They look kinda like the Death Star. 4. Especially if it's pronounced "Sicko" 5. "Do do doo...logging on to the forums and-OH GOD! LE SPAM! 6. Piranha. Vicious little green bastard. 7. How did you wind up as Torte's eternal minion?
1. I must have put up wi-er, known you about 3 years now....Wow. 2. The opening scene of Van Helsing. 3. A coconut. They're always crashing to the ground. 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6... 5. "Hey...this guy's avatar is Iggy Koopa...in a raccoon suit.." 6. An ostrich. The concept of them flying anywhere is absurd also. 7. How many planes HAVE you crashed now?