[Drabble] Prompt Requests 049-052

Apr 21, 2015 23:46

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 693
Prompt: Hey jinx do you want to drabble that snuggly kitten junmyeon kyuho that you mentioned to me the other day? ;~;‎
Warning: smut, self-lubrication

It doesn’t matter if Joonmyun is in heat or not, he always wants to be in Kyuhyun’s lap. It’s his favourite spot. He purrs against the soft skin of Kyuhyun’s neck as gentle fingers run through his hair, scratch around his ears, trail down his bare back. He squirms impossibly closer and clings on tighter, licking his way up Kyuhyun’s neck as warm fingers tease his leaking entrance. Joonmyun is rewarded with a deep moan when he sucks at the spot just under Kyuhyun’s jaw and two fingers push in at once to fill him up.

It’s not enough. Kyuhyun’s long fingers caressing him, stretching him, opening him up is never enough. Joonmyun mewls rocking his hips down on Kyuhyun’s fingers as he tilts his head up, searching for soft lips against his own. A flash of a soft smirk and Joonmyun’s eyes flutter closed as Kyuhyun kisses him, fingers pressing in deeper. Joonmyun melts into the kiss, against Kyuhyun’s body as his prostate is abused, delicious waves of pleasure overwhelming his senses.

A third finger pressing into him as Joonmyun keening, whining and writhing on Kyuhyun’s lap. “Please,” Joonmyun begs. He doesn’t have to say anymore because Kyuhyun knows what he wants, what he needs. “Kyuhyun.”

“Soon,” Kyuhyun answers. Joonmyun presses his claws into Kyuhyun’s back, whimpering against his mouth because it’s not soon enough. He’s achingly hard already, leaking against Kyuhyun’s belly and he’s not sure how much longer he can wait. “Be patient, Kitten.”

Joonmyun nods, agreeing, even though he wants to cry because he can feel out hard Kyuhyun is too, pressing against his inner thigh, teasing him. He’d sit down on that cock right now if he could but he knows Kyuhyun would be upset with him. His owner enjoys teasing him, drawing out the pleasure until Joonmyun can’t stand it anymore. He always takes his time, carefully opening Joonmyun up before pushing into him.

Even now, with Kyuhyun’s fingers, it feels heavenly but he’s still empty. He grinds down on Kyuhyun’s hand harder, begging for more each time Kyuhyun presses into his prostate again. The pleasure spikes and just before he comes Kyuhyun pulls out. Joonmyun whines again, in anticipation, as he lets Kyuhyun move him. Warm hands against his hips help guide him over Kyuhyun’s. The tip of Kyuhyun’s cock teases his entrance but doesn’t penetrate yet

“Just a little longer,” Kyuhyun assures him, petting Joonmyun. They both know that it’d be over too soon if Kyuhyun were to fuck into him now. So they wait, sharing kisses and just holding each other closely until Joonmyun’s no longer on the edge. One last mark sucked into Joonmyun’s skin, just over his collar bone, and Kyuhyun finally nudges his cock up, pressing slightly into Joonmyun’s waiting body.

Joonmyun cries out as he sinks down onto Kyuhyun’s cock. It’s almost too good, the stretch of him inside Joonmyun but like this he finally feels complete. Kyuhyun lifts Joonmyun’s hips back up, holding him in place before he suddenly thrusts up. It takes Joonmyun’s breath away, the way he fills Joonmyun over and over again.

And it doesn’t take long before Joonmyun’s teetering on the edge of coming again. Kyuhyun is too, with the way he drives up into him, hard and sloppy, picking up speed. His hands press hard enough to leave fresh bruises in Joonmyun’s hips and it only takes one more thrust, Kyuhyun pulling Joonmyun down onto his cock for him to come. He’s gasping for breath as he spills between them, purring and mewling desperately as Kyuhyun doesn’t stop.

Kyuhyun’s hips move harder and faster, smacking loudly against Joonmyun’s ass and in the next second he finds himself fully impaled on Kyuhyun’s cock, strong hands keeping them joined. The hard cock twitches inside Joonmyun and he clenches around it so nothing can escape. It’s only when Joonmyun is filled with Kyuhyun’s cock, his come, that he finally feels full.

“I love you,” Joonmyun blurts out, cuddling closer against Kyuhyun. “So much.”

Kyuhyun laughs breathlessly, holding Joonmyun tighter, petting him softly. “I love you too,” he replies because Kyuhyun’s life wouldn’t be complete without Joonmyun either.

Pairing: D.O/Baekhyun, onesided Kai/Baekhyun
Rating: R
Word Count: 202
Prompt: omega baekhyun is always trailing after alpha kai, until his eyes finally land on beta kyungsoo. please find sometime to write this i love baekdo TT^TT <3
Warning: mentioned smut

Ever since he hit puberty, the only one Baekhyun had eyes for was Jongin. An alpha, tall and handsome, his speed unmatched by any other wolf in the pack. A mate any Omega would lucky to have.

Too bad Jongin doesn't have any interest in him. So Baekhyun, along with a couple other Omegas (and even a Beta) spends his time pining over Jongin, doing whatever he can to get the young Alpha's attention.

That is, until a new Alpha joins their pack. He's small for an Alpha, around Baekhyun's size, but he's fierce. A powerful fighter. He can easily take Jongin down, no matter how fast he is. And Baekhyun finds himself swooning, his knees getting weak whenever Kyungsoo's around.

It all happens so fast. He's barely just been introduced to the newest pack member and he's already on his knees. Kyungsoo is a gentle, but thorough lover. He mates Baekhyun better than he had ever imagined and when it's over the only regret Baekhyun has is that he isn't facing Kyungsoo, can't kiss him until the knot shrinks.

And when Kyungsoo's able to pull out, the first thing he does is mark Baekhyun as his mate. Baekhyun couldn't be happier.

Pairing: Kris/Baekhyun
Rating: PG
Word Count: 444
Prompt: Kris is going to have a baby.
Warning: mpreg
Author's Note: Birthday gift for seafoamblues~ <3

They didn’t do it very often, but apparently just once is often enough.

It resulted in Kris picking up the habit of rubbing the palms of his hands over his own belly from time to time. Like he’s doing now, a picture from his most recent ultrasound held up in his free hand.

His beautiful baby. Gender not yet determined, but it doesn’t matter if it's going to be a boy or a girl, Kris will love the baby just the same. He doesn’t know if he's going to be a good father or not, but he’s going to give it his best. He’s not even that far along and there are already baby things scattered throughout the house. Toys, little gender neutral onesies, bottles and different coloured pacifiers. Kris refuses to be anything but fully prepared for when the baby is finally born.

Kris is so deep in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice when the front door opens, signaling the arrival of his husband just getting home from work. When he finds Kris, he joins him on the couch, startling him so much that he drops the picture in his hand. He bends down to pick it up for Kris, handing it back up only after he’s taken a good, long look at it.

“Sorry I couldn’t go with you to the--”

“It was supposed to be you,” Kris grumbles, interrupting whatever else his husband has to say. It’s not that he’s particularly upset about the thought of raising a baby, but when they had gotten married they had both agreed that when they were ready, Baekhyun was going to be the pregnant one. He doesn’t really mind it. But he’d rather not have the morning sickness, mood swings and other delights that come with being pregnant.

Baekhyun knows it’s just the hormones making Kris a bit moody, so he doesn’t take the comment to heart. He leans in close to Kris, wrapping his arm around his husband and after looking at the ultrasound picture with him for another minute, he presses his lips to Kris’ temple.

“This is all your fault,” Kris continues to complain.

“I know,” Baekhyun hums, gently pushing at Kris until he lays back on the couch.

But Kris can’t put all the blame on Baekhyun because it’s partly his fault too. It was his idea that Baekhyun top him on their wedding night. The pregnancy that came afterward was an unexpected result, but definitely not unwanted.

“I’ll take the next one, don’t worry,” Baekhyun assures him, climbing onto Kris’ thighs and leaning down to kiss him until he forgets why he was upset in the first place.

052 Lazy Saturdays
Pairing: Chanyeol/Chen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 881
Prompt: cuddlefuckingggggg
Warning: smut
Author's Note: Tweetfic collab with the lovely anita_dee because we can't stop with the ChanDae. (She wrote 75% of this.)

Lazy Saturdays tend to start the same way every time: junk food strewn across the coffee table, marathons of Avengers, Iron Man, and Captain America or the Batman Trilogy are debated over, and pajamas are an absolute must.

Of course, in Chanyeol’s mind, the pajama requirement is more of a way to ensure he has easy access to Jongdae’s body the second his boyfriend starts dozing off halfway through the second movie of whatever they’re watching. Lazy Saturdays are just about the only time they really have together these days, Jongdae busy with Grad School and Chanyeol caught up teaching kids with too-small hands how to properly play a myriad of instruments, and as such, Chanyeol refuses to spend the time sleeping without having been at least a little productive first.

Jongdae slouches against Chanyeol, his eyelids fluttering as he fight the urge to doze off in the crook of Chanyeol’s shoulder. The bag of chips in his hand falls with a light crunch to the ground, and he jolts.

“Shit,” he breathes. “That had better not have spilled…” He leans over to pick up the chips, and a stripe of smooth skin taunts Chanyeol as Jongdae’s shirt rides up. He slips his fingers underneath the soft fabric of the t-shirt, and Jongdae gasps, dropping the chips a second time. At least this time they land on the table instead of the floor.

“Sleepy?” Chanyeol murmurs as he pulls Jongdae back against him, rubbing his thumbs in circles over Jongdae’s hipbones. Jongdae murmurs his agreement, allowing Chanyeol to readjust them to lie down on their sides on the sofa, legs tangled up together as Chanyeol spoons Jongdae.

He slips his fingers underneath the waistband of Jongdae’s sleep pants, teasing the soft skin there, and Jongdae lets out this little tiny whimper that sends a little affectionate thrill down Chanyeol’s spine.

“Is this okay?” He asks gently, fingers settling on the inside of Jongdae’s thigh.

“Yeah,” Jongdae breathes. “Yeah, it’s okay.” Chanyeol smiles then, lips against the back of Jongdae’s neck as he takes a moment to push their pants down to their ankles and stick a hand behind one of the couch cushions where they’d hidden a bottle of lube just for lazy Saturdays like this. The chips sit abandoned on the coffee table, and the movie playing on their TV is long forgotten in favour of Chanyeol whispering sweet, annoying nothings to Jongdae as he slicks himself up.

They’d just done this last night, and Jongdae always like the sensation of Chanyeol’s cock stretching him open.

“Relax,” Chanyeol warns, and Jongdae presses back against him as he slides in, settling his body more comfortably around Jongdae.

He places his hand firm against Jongdae’s belly as he drives into him slow but strong from behind. Jongdae whimpers softly with each thrust as Chanyeol nuzzles along Jongdae’s hairline, nipping at the skin on his neck when Jongdae moans for him, hand reaching back to pull Chanyeol in closer by the asscheek- the perfect fit for his small but broad palms. It’s slow, less about getting Jongdae to come and more about simply being with him, but Jongdae isn’t exactly the most patient of people, and it’s a trait he carries even on lazy Saturdays.

Chanyeol grins proudly as Jongdae begins calling out his name, begging him to go harder, faster, but Chanyeol wants to make this moment last forever if he can. He pulls Jongdae back against his chest, forearms braced over Jongdae's stomach and the heat between them simmering.

Jongdae sighs, whispering nearly unintelligibly just how good he feels, trying to coax Chanyeol into fucking him faster with his cock hard against his stomach. Chanyeol snaps in fast and draws back slow, enjoying the drag of his cock on Jongdae’s rim.

“Chanyeol,” Jongdae gasps, his voice made of low notes. “Oh my god, Chanyeol, please-”

“Shhh,” Chanyeol soothes, gently pushing Jongdae’s messy hair back from his face. “You’re doing so well,” he continues and presses his lips against Jongdae's temple. “Just a little bit longer.”

Chanyeol can’t keep track of how long a little bit longer ends up being with his body against Jongdae’s like this, but when he finally takes mercy on Jongdae and his pretty whimpers, wrapping one hand around Jongdae’s cock and whispering encouragements his ear, Jongdae’s moan of pleasure, a strangled, half-sung version of Chanyeol's name, is enough to draw Chanyeol into his orgasm, hips rocking through the aftershocks.

Just when Jongdae is starting to whine, arguing that he can’t possibly take anymore of the overstimulation, Chanyeol gently pulls out. He easily rearranges Jongdae until he’s facing Chanyeol, fitting perfectly in between his arms.

“You did so well,” Chanyeol praises, kissing away the tears that formed from making him hold out for so long.

“You’re the worst,” Jongdae tries to assert, hitting Chanyeol’s chest weakly, but his eyes are creased. He’s pleased, and Chanyeol can’t help kissing him for real, lazy kisses against soft lips. There’s come drying on Jongdae’s belly, but his eyes are slipping closed anyway. Chanyeol figures a nap before clean-up is completely acceptable.

“Love you,” Chanyeol whispers as he holds Jongdae tighter. Eventually he gets a, “Love you too,” sleepily mumbled back against his shoulder in response before Jongdae falls asleep against him.

r: pg, p: baekhyun/d.o, r: nc-17, p: kyuhyun/suho, p: chanyeol/chen, r: r, p: baekhyun/kris, #drabble, !collab

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