Last time on Julchen's character survey I tl;dr'd about basically an OC because I'm a history nerd. And now, the continuation!
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom she is close? Are there ones she can't stand?
The definition of blood relatives is really hard with personified countries so we’re just going to go with people that either Himaruya has in canon said are decedents of Germania, or are linguistically/culturally German.
Austria: Austria is like a cousin of sorts, shared history, language, and in many cases culture, but she’s not quite German so she’s not considered a sister. They have a very rocky history full of some very bloody wars and open resentment. Prussia started under Austria’s control, though loosely enough they weren’t much aware of it, and she would bully babu Austria freely. Then Austria had power handed to her on a silver platter and Prussia lost everything and she came to resent her. In some ways she resents Austria still as more or less the same thing happened after they lost WWII though Prussia got shafted far far harder. But mostly, their personalities clash, their interests constantly clashed and they fight over the most serious of offenses to the silliest annoyances. Her relationship with Austria is generally more strained than their male counterparts, mostly because Austria tries to get Germany to call her big sister too, which to Prussia screams of completely ignoring the fact that she won the Unification wars, spitting on the face of her accomplishments. It insults her on every level. They’re best described as oil and water. But. Prussia doesn’t hate Austria. They know each other too well; probably better than anyone else can ever claim. In a lot of ways they’re different sides to the same coin and at the end of the day she’ll reluctantly admit they’re family. If something happens to one, the other will worry. And Prussia hopes, at least, that Austria doesn’t want her to disappear.
Switzerland: Switz is also a cousin of sorts, one who generally wants nothing to do with the rest of them. Prussia knows about her not-so-secret crush/lingering feelings/whatever for Austria and will often attempt to bait or embarrass them in each other’s presence. Other wise she sees her as a crazy gun-wielding psycho like everyone else.
Liechtenstein: He’s a cousin brother something in between in the family. And being the only boy he is much loved upon. As a member of the German Confederation he lived in her/Germany’s house for a while and was spoiled rotten. Prussia loves little kids; Prussia especially loves mild mannered and well-behaved little kids. Despite probably being one of the most mature Germanics he’s also the little prince. She just hopes Switz doesn’t warp his personality.
Sweden: Stated to be a decent of Germania, Sweden doesn’t actually interact much with the rest of the “family” since she has her own Nordic family. Prussia is scared shitless of her though, and has been seen hiding behind Spain in her presence.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom she considers part of her family? What are her relationships with them?
North Italy: While canon does state that Italy has Germanic blood I don’t really think Prussia sees her as family in the same was as the above. But she is as good as family. Despite having a crush on her, she ships her with Germany hardcore. They’ve known each other forever and her smiling face always brightens up her day.
Hungary: Hungary is a really touchy subject for Prussia. But he used to be part of the family by marriage, and though Austria is no longer romantically interested in him they are neighborly enough that they often appear together at family functions. Prussia makes obnoxious jokes and rules (like saying they’re having a Kleindeutschland Christmas) to keep them away but ultimately it would be weird not having him around.
Poland: She doesn’t like admitting this because she and Poland bicker like no other. But they have so much shared history and land that at the end of the day, if Prussia is being truly honest with herself, she considers Poland family.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
Japan: Himaruya has stated that Japan and Prussia are inseparable. Since they haven’t actually appeared together I’m gonna go on historical knowledge and say this is mostly from Japan’s point of view, but Prussia does consider her and very very good friend and is glad they spend so much time together. They met in the 1800s when Prussia came to Japan and started a huge amount of cultural exchange that can still be seen in Japan (the place) today.
France and Spain: The infamous Bad Friends (or Bad Touch, ohoho) Trio. France and Prussia have probably known each other since childhood, since the Franks and the Germanic tribes have always shared a border I’m sure at some point Germania and Papa Gaul let their kids play together, or accidentally found their kids together. Prussia probably didn’t meet Spain until she was married to Austria. Their trio status though, comes from the War of Austrian Succession in 1741 when Prussia, Spain, and France (and others) fought against Austria and England (and others). Prussia is obviously the odd one of the group.
6. Does she have other close friends?
India said she seemed to have a lot of friends, herself included, to which she kind of shrugged off. She has a lot of friend but doesn’t really feel like she does. For all her obnoxious behavior she’s a good person, and usually happy and easily excitable and I think a lot of the nations find that attractive with all the depressing political shit they have to deal with, and that more of them enjoy having Prussia around for that reason alone than they’d like to admit.
7. Does she make friends easily, or does she have trouble getting along with people?
She’s a people person, and everyone is her friend unless they’re Russian.
8. Which does she consider more important: family or friends?
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has she been married more than once?
In her main haunt she’s in an open relationship with
whorestria, however generally speaking she’s single and loving it. See the above description of Brandenburg on her previous marriage and kind of divorce. As touched on up there, she’s afraid of commitment and she often brags about how she avoided marriage, often saying it is for the weak and those who can’t stand on their own feet.
10. Is she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
See above.
11. Who was her first crush? Who is her latest?
Hungary was her first crush. It’s complicated. Of her canon crushes presumably Italy and Romano are her most recent.
12. What does she look for in a romantic partner?
Strength. She already sees relationships as weak so her partner has to be strong. Usually she means physically but if sold to her correctly wit and smarts can be substituted. Basically she wants someone who can stand on their own without her, because she refuses to commit and does not want someone clinging and crying to her over it. They’ve also got to be able to hold their own against her, she likes to push limits and she likes to roughhouse, her partner has to be able to fight her, and sometimes over power her, but without threatening her. Since most of her relationships are one night stands looks matter more to her than personality, you need to be muscley, well-built, clean looking, basically invoke the image of a soldier. However, if she’s sleeping with nations she prefers ones she can reminisce to because she’s lonely and insecure and goddamn it listen to how awesome she was in the 18th century.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does she relate to them? If no, does she want any?
No, however, raising Germany often felt like raising her own child. She would love to have kids, she loves children, she loves rearing them, and they make her happy. Unfortunately for her, aside from it probably not being biologically possible, the idea of pregnancy squicks her out so badly. So, so badly. She’d adopt if it weren’t for the costs and, while she loves kids, the truth is she has a hard time with kids that aren’t like Germany in temperament and idolization.
14. Does she have any rivals or enemies?
Russia: It wasn’t always so bad, in fact Russia and Prussia even had several intermarriages and generally good relations until about WWI. However, the Soviet Union absolutely and utterly stripped her of her identity, her power, her purpose for living, and unlike the others she was never able to get it back. Now I’m not playing the oppression Olympics here with East Germany, I know a lot of countries had it worse, I mean Prussia, since even in modern day she still goes by Prussia. That’s what she’s never gotten back. She loves her citizens, but generally speaking nations don’t have identities stripped away and forced on them, they change over time with their people. Prussia didn’t have that, and that’s a violation of her on such a personal level I really don’t think there’s much worse you can do to a nation. I mean, she’s lived under people’s rule before (Austria/HRE and Poland) and there’s no terror and screaming towards them the way she acts towards Russia so I have to assume there’s a deeper level to her hatred/fear. That and Russia is kind of bat shit crazy and probably hell to live with.
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does she fall on the Kinsey scale?
She’s a solid three, but I believe all the nations are. Their relationships, until very recently due to changes in Europe, are determined not by attraction but by politics, even when it’s completely socially unacceptable for them to be attracted to certain people. Therefore, I think as a (species? whatever the hell nations are) they’re made to be sexually responsive to both sexes should they become close to their political partners. Due to religious and conservative values, Prussia tends to sleep with men more often, not (just) because they’re her values but because those are the values of the people she often picks up.
16. How does she feel about sex? How important is it to her?
She likes sex and it feels good. She used to be extremely religious and had lots of morally upright thoughts on the issue but she’s chilled out over time. It’s not super important, she’ll go a long time without or just take care of herself if she’s unbearably horny and be perfectly content. Sometimes she’s not enough and she’ll pick up humans for a one-night stand. Or sleep with the eternally in the mood France and Spain. But generally speaking it’s low on her list of priorities.
17. What are her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
All the Germanics are kinky to some degree or another. For her, because her canon is based on stereotypes, she’s got a huge discipline kink. She’ll show you some good old fashioned Prussian discipline, baby. Generally speaking she’s submissive in the bedroom, she doesn’t have an interest in partners so sex is all about getting her off, and if she’s submissive then all the focus is on her and her pleasure. She’s a selfish fuck. But if she has a partner she cares about, she’ll try, just let her incorporate some of her kinks to help her get off topping. She has your typical squicks though, she’s an ex-nun very slowly being brought into the world of hedonism, don’t expect her to go full out like one of Germany’s videos. For bedroom habits, she can’t sleep unless she has something to hold on to. Usually a stuffed animal, and on rare occasions she’s not forever alone another person. Also do not ever have food in her bed or wherever she’s supposed to sleep or your vital regions are gonna hurt.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does she fit type?
I know jack shit about astrology (aside from Chinese doesn’t work without a birth year) so I internet’d it up, crossed out are the ones that don’t fit her, you judge for yourself how much of a fit it is.
Capricorn- Main positive traits: Ambitious (past trait), hard working, responsible(debatable), practical(debatable), perseverance, self-discipline. Main negative traits: Stubborn, overbearing, unforgiving, inhibited, fatalistic, condescending.
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in her life?
She is very religious, essentially starting her existence as a religious order, and was indoctrinated as a child. As a crusader she was pretty much the textbook definition of a zealot. She has calmed down a lot since childhood, partly because of the strife she was caused by converting from Catholic to Protestant, partly because as she grew up and actually interacted with other countries she learned the world is bigger than what the Pope tells her. However, with God being canon, she’s not your stereotypical European atheist. Religion still makes up a part of her identity and it can pop up in unexpected ways sometimes. She doesn’t got to church every Sunday but she still prays when she’s scared or upset or some other kind of freaking out.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Technically she would answer that these are the Prussian virtues. However, how closely she follows them is pretty debatable. She’s one of those people that change the rules to suit her needs.
4. How does she regard beliefs that differ from her? Is she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
She’s had to grow a lot in this area. Nowadays she curious about things she’s unfamiliar with, but that’s after centuries of intolerance and murder as a Christian crusader.
5. What prejudices does she hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
She hates Russians. Her reasoning is debatable, the other ex-Soviet states probably side eye her like “cry moar” because a lot of them have good relations with Russia now and overall so does Germany. Certainly she should keep her grudge towards Russia just towards Russia, and not all Russians, but she’s hardly going to attack a civilian in the streets over it so ultimately it doesn’t hurt anyone that she’s a crotchety old racist sitting in her basement. She also refuses to read anything by Voltaire. Because of Reasons.
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
Well technically the nation of Germany is in debt but I don’t think that means Germany and Prussia themselves are in debt. Germany is very tight with their budget, insisting they save where they can and not be wasteful but they’re not struggling to pay the bills. Prussia, and Prussians, has always been seen as the homely frugal lower class of the Germans and she generally holds to that image. She has enough money to get by on, mostly because of Germany’s budgeting skills, and that suits her. She doesn’t need to buy entire fruit orchards to make her meals like a certain neighbor of hers.
2. What is her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected her?
Oh how it has changed. She was born a field hospital in the middle of Jerusalem and quickly became the Teutonic Knights. Basically she was the hired hand of the Holy Roman Empire, a working class laborer to use human terms. Then when she switched religions and bosses so to speak she became a pauper. Her state was poor, she was in a nunnery, it was about as poor and desperate as a nation can get. Then she became a Kindgom and all of the monies!! Okay not really, Prussia wasn’t the richest nation by any means but compared to before she was rolling wealth. Then everything came crashing down on her, lost wars, economic depression, and communism. Germany is now the fourth richest economy in the world so she’s doing okay, though she lives a decidedly middle class life style, but that success isn’t hers; she lives off her sister’s money as her second in command and is often accused of being a NEET. Quite the fall from grace, and most likely the cause of her depression.
3. Where does she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does she share it with others?
She lives with Germany in Berlin. Despite their efforts to budget their house that has been shown in canon was quite the sprawling manor. But perhaps that’s to accommodate all their relatives when they stay with them. She also has little apartments on the borders for when she has to do work in other countries. Her castle remains in Kaliningrad but she refuses to go in it, hasn’t been since at least WWII, probably longer. All of the German homes are neat, Germany is a neat freak and though Prussia cares far less she likes to clean when she’s bored, so messes never stay for long.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does she spend her money on?
Stuffed animals. Video games. Things that catch her interest.
5. What does she do for a living? Is she good at it? Does she enjoy it, or would she rather be doing something else?
She’s a government worker, on behalf of the New States of the Federal Republic of Germany. In some ways she wishes Germany would let her work more, she hates feeling useless, but on the other hand politics bores her nowadays she likes having the time to herself. Germany gives her an allowance of sorts, to not work, because Prussia gets bored, bratty, and uppity at pretty much every job she’s had outside of official paperwork duties. The military is starting to expand a bit in Germany, she might volunteer her time there if she starts getting anxious, but otherwise she’s not really driven to work. I feel like she’d like being a gym teacher at like an elementary school or something though, but Germany has probably forbid her from working with kids.
6. What are her interests or hobbies? How does she spend her free time?
She has lots of interests, and usually hops around from thing to thing as it catches her eye. Blogging is her current obsession at the moment, but she’s also installed a sound studio in her room, tried to draw doujin, taught herself guitar, among various others. Generally she spends her free time on the Internet or visiting others, but what she’ll do on any given day depends entirely on her mood.
7. What are her eating habits? Does she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
She eats three square meals a day, almost always cooked by Germany. She knows how to cook but it doesn’t interest her and Germany does it better. If left to her own devices she gorges on junk food. She drinks like a fish, but typically only beer, anything else will get labeled a girly drink. Again, she only avoids Russian food (and vodka) but if you don’t tell her it’s Russian and she doesn’t already know she’ll eat it happily.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is her favorite:
1. Color? Prussian Blue
2. Smell? She likes cologne
3. Time of day? Mornings
4. Season? Winter- even though she hates it, she’s immune to it + bithday month, the others have no significance
5. Book? I. I don’t know. She likes alternate history fiction. And she likes strategy books. Maybe the Art of War? She’s more well read than I, I couldn’t possibly choose.
6. Music? Rammstein
7. Place? Berlin
8. Substance? Beer
9. Plant? Cornflowers
10. Animal? Little birds
If you read all the way to the end of this, thank you so much! Feel free to comment here or in the last post about anything, but know a lot of this is pretty firm in my HC.