WBY - Push (part three)

Apr 17, 2014 20:05

Jamie swallowed his last bit of hot chocolate, still too hot to be finished but he relished the heat as it slid down his throat.  A little second-degree burn wasn’t gonna deter him from getting the hell out of Dodge.

“Well, Dad, don’t you think we should hit the road? No Jack.  No problems eh? “ Jamie stood brushed his hands down his jeans and threw a rakish grin in Lisa’s direction.  “Nice meeting you.”  It wasn’t of course, but Dad had mentioned manners and maybe if he tried to be nice it would be easier to hit the road.

“You can’t leave now, I have some soup on the stove for a late lunch and the weather looks like it has taken a turn for the worse.”  Jamie glanced out the window and sure enough the big wet flakes from this morning were light and fluffy now but coming down more forcefully, covering the ground in white.

“See what I mean about the weather?”

“It’s okay.  Four wheel drive.  C’mon, Dad.”

His father looked strangely at Jamie, obviously puzzled at his son’s refusal of a home cooked meal.

“Jamie, take a seat.”

Jamie continued to stand, arms crossed in a perfect imitation of his grandfather.

“Having a hard time hearing, son?” There was just an edge to the question, barely noticeable to anyone but Jamie.

“What about school?” Jamie didn’t make a move toward the chair.

“Sit,” Dad growled low, an obvious order and Jamie sat.   When dad spoke like that, you just naturally did whatever he told you to do.  But he huffed a breath so obviously laden with angst that his father drilled him a look.

Lisa stood graciously and made some remark about checking on the fire in the living room and left Jamie and his father glowering at each other.

“What the fuck is your problem?”  Dad spoke low, far too low for Lisa to hear in the next room.

“I thought we weren’t cussing.  Offensive to the ladies and all of that.”

“You are not cussing.  I’m keeping it low out of respect for that girl.  But you’re not cussing ‘cause you’re the kid and I told you to keep your four-lettered mouth buttoned.”

“Double standard, Dad.  So wrong.”

“Not only is it a double standard, it has always been a double standard.  Remember I’m the grown up in the equation and as much as you seem to think I’m a pushover when compared to your grandfather, I think you better re-evaluate your thoughts on that buddy boy.”

Jamie snorted, a decidedly disrespectful sound.

“Last chance, Jamie.”

Lisa chose that moment to come in and it saved Jamie from a response from that one.  At least she had done one thing right.

“So…who wants soup?”’

Dad nodded smiling broadly.  “I’d love some.”

“Jamie?” Lisa queried as she turned to the stove to ladle out a hearty smelling beef soup into a bowl.  Jamie noted it was the kind of bowl with a handle.  Stupid.

“No thank you,” and then to Dad low. “I’m tired of this shit.”

And why Jamie did it, he couldn’t be sure. He was hurt and angry.  His dad wasn’t listening to him and couldn’t he tell how uncomfortable Jamie was?

“James Michael Winchester,“ Dad’s voice was sharp. “Didn’t I tell you to watch your mouth?”

Lisa smiled, laugh lines wrinkling her eyes.  “Dean, I raised a boy remember? “

“And I’m quite sure Ben didn’t talk like that in front of you. “

Lisa smiled again…”No, not usually but boys will be boys and I understand completely.”

“Well, not this boy.” Dad turned and drove an icy stare at Jamie.

“Another word like that and I swear I’ll wash your mouth out with soap.”

Jamie blushed furiously.  How dare dad call him on cussing and threaten him with mouth washing. His family wasn’t exactly poster children for decorum and language.  They were four men who lived routinely without the gentling presence of a woman. Still, Jamie knew when to cuss, when not to cuss.  He didn’t cuss at school and it was true, he knew better than to use four letter words in front of women.  For all of his family’s gruffness, Winchesters were gentlemen around women.  He had been taught to hold open doors, pull a girl’s chair out and even walk on the inside of the street.  It was almost a natural extension of a protective gene that seemed to be mutated several times over into something so strong that Jamie not only couldn’t fight it but also didn’t know to fight it. As long as they weren’t sucubi or banshees or witches, women were to be protected and honored.  The only time that changed a bit occurred when he had hunted a few times with women.  It turned out that women who hunted were just as able to protect him as the other way around.  It was an unusual situation but Jamie was used to unusual.  He wasn’t however, used to being made to feel like a four year old by his dad who was threatening oral hygiene via Dial soap.

He looked at Lisa who had reached up to push a stray hair from his father’s head.  Given that his father’s hair was pretty short, Jamie figured it for the annoying sweetheart gesture it just might be.  He groaned inwardly.  Maybe he knew exactly what he was doing when he decided to cuss in front of Lisa.  A person had the right to express himself.

Dark and angry thoughts swirled through his head. Stupid bitch, he thought. But that thought did not leave his mouth. Jamie didn’t believe his father would find a bar of soap to shove down his throat but he wouldn’t put it past him either. Dean Winchester might be able to stop him from telling Lisa exactly what he thought about her, but he couldn’t get him to stop thinking.

It was then he noticed Dad offering him a warning glance.  How in the hell could the man tell what was going on in his head?  It just wasn’t normal.

“So, Jamie…you can take Ben’s old room if you want. “ Lisa said as she handed the soup to Dad.

“What about Dad?”  Jamie’s eyes glanced from Lisa to his Dad.  “Where are you gonna sleep?

“I’m sure I can find a place for him. “  Lisa murmured with just enough huskiness in her throat to make Jamie want to gag.

“I bet you can,” Jamie snickered.

Dad stood, pushing his chair back so abruptly he almost spilled the soup in the process.

“Can you excuse us for a minute, Lis…I need to chat with Jamie here.”

Part four



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