Title: WBY - Not a Winchester Smack Down Characters: Jamie and River + 1 Summary: Jamie has another bad idea. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Wonderful story. I want to be floating in that swimming pool. (Especially if that's where Winchesters go to swim half naked!) I loved the bit about Jeff finding a bass in his pocket. Your stories are always such fun and really enjoyable. Thank you.
You and me both BABBYY. Although, Jamie and River are jail bait. *snort* But we could have enjoy the pretty. And of course, Dean, Sam, Adam and John could be there. No jail bait and hot, hot sun with hotter men!
I kind of giggled myself, thinking of Jeff finding a bass in his pants!
Sorry about the rough day. I've had more than my share! It is funny how jumping into a story can relax you. Especially if the characters feel like family. A gift to you...what would you like to read. If I can, I will try to write it. No reason, just for a little pick me up.
Love Jamie & River when the trio are involved with gramps being the heavy hand. Love your dialogue when gramps reminds Dean & sam they were no Angels. Hope that gives you some ideas but the muse goes where she wants to go. Hope you have a super day!
I MISSED THIS???!! I cant believe im only now seeing it! and im loooovingggg it, as usual hahaha, omg I adore those two and its probably bad that I can even smell the Texan hot summer day while reading this. Or maybe thats just a huge compliment to your writing! hahaha. anyways, THANK YOU! seriously, thank you for giving Jamie and River life!
Sorry for the late reply. Things have been crazy in WBY land. But I'm glad you enjoyed this and as usual, your comments help push me to write. And damn I need a big old PUSH!
Comments 19
I loved the bit about Jeff finding a bass in his pocket.
Your stories are always such fun and really enjoyable. Thank you.
I kind of giggled myself, thinking of Jeff finding a bass in his pants!
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