The Happy Book

Mar 31, 2009 12:25

by: Barbara Ann Kipfer

Stumbled upon this book just as I was about to leave the library and it's real cute. So I'm gonna share some of the 14,000 things listed in the book, that's close to my heart, to be happy about.

easeful days, dreamless nights
cheeks all aglow with the outdoors
listening for the sound of a key in the lock(means dad's home and we can run down to bug him!)
wild roses, blush-pink and spicily fragrant in the cool of the evening
late Sunday breakfast
homey touches
lavender-scented evenings
the beach in the fall
the exhilaration of pure winter air
making love after a fight
the first kiss of the summer
cows with bells
the U.S. Air Force
jumping into bed with a good book
things that taste, smell, feel, sound and look wonderful: the stuff that romance is made of
Gummi Bears candy
apples, trees, country sky, the snap of fall in the air
a recurring good dream
laughing out loud
a meaningful kiss
being crazy about someone
the soothing sound of sprinklers in the backyard(I LOVE getting drenched by sprinkler water in the winter haha!)
soft, puffy, foot-long bread sticks with Italian tomato sauce(oh GAWD I miss this!!)
making friends with the police
this thing called love
hair ribbons
people who understand there's a lot to you
"A man thinketh, so he is"
100-watt eyes
someone dependable and solid, with dimples(aww, daddykins!!!)
someone who looks right at your eyes and smiles a huge, sweet smile
bikini season
going to an outdoor cafe
things that are quiet and old and simple and ordinary and very real
a soul mate
hanging up clothes in color order
three-point basketball shots made at the buzzer
being here, now
brimming glasses of ice-cold milk
roast beef sandwiches
feeling really good, alive, aware; filled with a tingly sense of well-being
"I love it"
love that lasts and lasts
police and firemen's badges
having someone to make you laugh when things are tough
seeing the twinkling lights of town in the distance
being as cute as a bug
cutting tags off new clothes
sexy music
doing whatever you like best to relax
ice crystals so small, so light, that they float like mist and shimmer in a January sunrise
S.W.A.K.B.A.L.W.S. = sealed with a kiss because a lick won't stick
practicising dance steps in the middle of the living room
the kind of man summer nights were made for
working out at the gym
families that spend leisure hours together having a chance to grow and understand one another
believing you can do anything
the soothing sound of waves
having your hair braided(by mommy!!)
police officers and firefighters
loving freely, purely

Oh my that's a huge list of goodness, and it's only halfway through the book. I s'pose I feel better already.

love, life

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