Something in your EYES makes me wanna loose myself in your arms <3
There's something in your VOICE that makes my heart beat faster nd faster & I hope this FEELING lasts the rest of my life
(¯`×. i'd give you my heart, but broken things aren't pretty... x´¯)
so say you need me
like a bad habit <3
if i could just get your attention
i'd never let it go.
something`s wrong with your mind..
it won`t think of me anymore.
---» my hèarts in ¦ överdriive ¦ «---
ând y0u`re behind the steerïng whëel
why am i so forgettable?
just once i'd like to be remembered
why would i look for [something] in someone
else when i see [ everything ] in you?
»im not the type of girl that would get up
and leave you.. i would never mislead you
cuz unlike other girls.. [ baby, i need you ]
only god could stop me loving you
only god could tell me not too
he sent you from heaven
just to make my dreams come true
A boyfriend is that "special guy" that i myself picked out as being nice to be around and nice to think about. The one i wanted most of all to share my hopes and schemes, the one im glad i waited for the answer to my dreams. The one who has that "special way" of being dear and sweet. The one who has made my life worthwhile, my happiness complete. A boyfriend may not speak of love often as he showed bcuz he feels the love we share is clearly understood. And yet he lets me know he cares. In countless little ways and its his smile i count on to brighten cloudy days. So all in all a boyfriend is a pretty special guy and naturally i love him more as everyday goes by and even when i do not say the things i feel about him or tell him just houw meaningless my life would be without him, i think somehow he understands im proud to be his girl and that his love will always be my greatest joy in the world<3
Only one boy has truly broken my heart ...
Thank you Daddy! You've made your little girl real smart.
its the days were so crazy
people think were high
the times were so bored
we laugh till we cry
all the inside jokes
and the remember whens
these are the reasons
well always be best friends
Tell someone theres a million stars in the sky
and they believe you
but tell them a bench is wet...
and they have to touch it to be sure
You don't do it on purpose ♥
but you make me S H A K E
id rather go blind than see you walk away from me
id rather go deaf than hear you say you hate me x
»«~ id give up everything.just to be with you~ »«
x because what's everything if i dont have you.? x
he makes me melt like a popsicle
on the 4th of july
(´`·.·´`) BeHiNd evErY sMiLE(´`·.·)
`·.(´`·.·´`)LiEz a bRoKEn Heart(´`·.·´ )
`·.¸.·´ ¸.·?**?·.¸¸.·?**? `·.¸.·´
- : :when i think of all the time: :- |->Wasted]<-|
. * . tryinq tO make thinqz wOrk wit us . * .
*cant even believe hOw stupid*/
...i was but itz Ok nOw cuz...
[i mOved On]
:: and i d0n`t wanna l00k back .-'
...Catch me
I'm a shooting star.
Make a wish... *
* close your eyes...
cross your heart...
. +Dreaming of you tonight+ .
. +Praying that you will be mine+ .
. +Hoping you'll be holding me tight+ .
. +Never ever letting me go+
--»i wanna do .e.x.a.c.t.l.y. wut u did to me
>lead< u on)) make u fall [for] me(( n then jus
l[ l e t u g o ]l
*¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤*
i wanna be the reason you smile
*¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤*
Its like dancing in the rain and
wishing on the stars. Butterflies in
your tummy and nothing else by
far. Its that cant eat, cant sleep
kinda thing.. thats love.. such a
[-* c r a z y * -] thing
Its like taking me to the - TaLleSt - mountain
and showing me the world and saying,
thAts * wHat * yOu * c.a.n.t * HaVe
one day * ♥♥♥
everyone will [ realize ] it `s
not about Beinq perfect. x3
its all bout » Beinq happy.
cute is wen a person`s
p e r s o n a l i t y
shines thru their looks
Never forget yesterday
But always live for today...
Cuz you never know what tomorrow can bring
Or what it can take away...
If I could have 3 wishes, I wouldn't wish for the stars, the moon, the riches and this life. But for 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, and 13 months a year to spend a longer time with you.
People ask me,
"Why do you love him?"
But I could never explain..
Cause they'd fall in love too.
Yeah i am at work... which is why i actually took time out of my life to do this...someone kill me now lol.. hope u like em though.. byee