Dear Idiot Supervisor,
I'm writing to let you know that I've accepted a position with another company. I'm super duper excited not to have to deal with the politics of this office anymore, not try to have to fill 3 positions and do manager's work, and not dread going to work every morning.
I'm giving 3 weeks notice, and my final day will be Friday, Sept. 12th. Sure, I really only need to give you 2 weeks notice, but I'm a bleeding heart and you really need me here an extra few days to try and make it less chaotic. I mean, none of you even know how to scan a document!
For nearly 3 years I've learned a lot from this position and thank you for the experience. Holy Jesus, I never meant to stay this long!!! You are all so screwed. bwahaahahaha!
I officially have an exit strategy ticket outta here! I'm going to work part-time and use gov't loan money to fill in the holes while I learn and study body parts this fall. I'm a bit nervous to be on a fixed income and work so little, but unless I move back home (HA!) it's the only option.
I haven't even been hiding my jadedness this week, so it probably won't be much of a surprise to some. I need to compile a list or something of the stuff I do and how I do it. my goal was to be out by summer's end....which is technically what, sept 21st? so I made it.
God, I'm so excited not to have to answer a damn phone all the time anymore. that alone is an excellent thing. and to have a job relevant to what I actually want to do with my lifeeee!
I might miss playing on the internets all day, but I'll get over it.
I actually lost sleep over this last night. I actually was/am having a physical reaction to resigning here.
I'm suck a dork.
I've never worked anywhere this long before -- and while I hate the job itself very very much, there is a handful of people I do care about and will miss. Guess I got attached to some of 'em.
oh, whatever, life life life.