TF: Interrupted

Jun 02, 2010 16:46

Rating: G
Series: G1
Summary: After Prime orders the Dinobots to be locked away, Ratchet and Wheeljack discuss plans.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_speedwriting  Wednesday prompt - ‘To Be Continued’  This is a kind of spacer/continuation of the original G1 cartoon appearances of the Dinobots.
Dammit work, why did you have to interfere with my writing time?  Consequently, this is not my best ever piece of work.  Meh.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

“Oh no, we are not going through this again!”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not.  Prime said no, and he meant no.”
“But nothing Wheeljack.” Ratchet paused, scrubbing a hand over his face.  “He doesn’t want the Dinobots active.  I know he doesn’t see their value in the way we do.”
“He’s wrong.”
“I know that Wheeljack, and you know that.  We’ve been over this before.”
“It’s not over.”
“I know.  And we’ll keep trying to persuade Prime that the Dinobots will be useful.  Perhaps if we work with them?” Ratchet mused aloud, trying to think of a way out of the situation they’d found themselves in.  Ever since they’d brought the first Dinobots on, there had been nothing but problems.  Admittedly, at first, they had been successful.  So much so that Prime allowed them to build Swoop and Snarl.  But with the five of them… things had gone downhill quickly.  So much so that Prime had ordered them locked away, never to be reactivated.

Yet Wheeljack and Ratchet couldn’t stand for that.  Arguments had occurred between them, the first in millennia.  And always about the Dinobots.

“Work with them…” Wheeljack repeated.  “We could.  If we worked with them, trained them, then we could show Prime how much they’ve improved.”  Ratchet nodded.
“All right.  We’ll do it.  But no one must find out.”  Now it was Wheeljack’s turn to nod.
“If we train them in my workshop, that’s certainly big enough for them to work in.  At least it is if they work on their own.”
“All right, so we work with each Dinobot.” Ratchet paced his office, checking off points on his fingers.  “And once we’ve gotten them to a stage where they are no longer a threat, we can show Prime and the others.”
“Sounds good ta me.” Wheeljack agreed.
“Ratchet!” Groaning at the sound of Sideswipe calling him from the main medbay, Ratchet held up a hand.
“We’ll continue talking about this later.”
“Of course.” The gleam in Wheeljack’s optics didn’t fill Ratchet with much confidence.

ratchet, wheeljack, speedwriting, tf

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