Title: Drabble Spectacular, November 23rd
Rating: PG13
Series: G1
Summary: Drabbles concerning Hound and Mirage, based on the word of the day from
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: I'm mad... I must be mad. This is written for the
houndxmirage Three's a Charm challenge. I shall be attempting a drabble (100 words) every day. Feel free to poke me (gently) if I miss a day? And this does have mod approval :)
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.
November 23 - venerate
It seemed to Mirage that Hound venerated everything the noble owned. Unsurprisingly, it was of higher quality than Hound himself would be able to afford, but surely that didn’t explain the reverent touches that Hound bestowed on even the smallest items.
“Hound, you don’t have to be so careful. That datapad won’t break.” Mirage commented idly, watching Hound attempt to read a datapad using the lightest of touches.
“I know.” Hound answered, looking up and giving Mirage an unreadable smile. “But it’s yours.” Mirage actually felt his logic chips seize up as they tried to work out what Hound meant.