Title: Drabble Spectacular, December 18th to 20th
Rating: PG13
Series: G1
Summary: Drabbles concerning Hound and Mirage, based on the word of the day from
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten
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Comments 7
that said, poor Hound! that's dirty, dirty pool, Mirage.
ETA: and after a refresh, it's fixed. so either you got it fixed on your own or LJ was just gltiching up again.
And thank you!
Welter - *bounces* Another word I use frequently! I love this useage and how exciting it is!
Exemplary - Oh, dear, Mirage. You need to be careful that you don't slip with this master/servant thing.
I like these, Casha!
Cohesive - I just couldn't resist making Mirage out to be a blackmailer.
Welter - Again, another word I have never heard that you use all the time!
Exemplary - *grins* Sign of the future, perhaps?
welter - what happened before they woke up in the Well?
Welter is actually meant to be the crash on Earth.
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