Judith Fullerton-Batten's
Teenage Stories Book, 2005.
your hands
the way your hands move
up to your throat
when you get excited
makes me want to take them,
force them down, and hold
them there.
i want to keep you
from movement, keep you
in stasis, keep you
for myself, but those hands
keep moving, impossible
to pin down.
10 People Questions...
Name one person you love, and why:
My mother, something about biology.
Who is your enemy?
Your first crush:
Adam Something-or-other back in grade four.
Last person to make you laugh?
Mark with his desire for Jewel, and not the singer Jewel.
Who do you talk to most on the phone?
Who is the quietest person you know?
Screams: ME!!!!!!!!!! Oops, I lose.
Who is the funniest person you know?
All my friends are funny for different reasons. Quite funny, in fact. As for celebs, I am disinclined to choose.
Who do you talk to most on IM?
Prolly a toss-up between my ex and my bff Stephanie.
Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them?
My bff, Stephanie. I've known her since grade eight. I'd say Jen, but we fell out of touch. We would have known each other since grade five (I think?).
Do you know anyone who has never left their home state?
Yeah, me. I no longer have a home province (because I am a Canuck)
10 Would You Questions...
Would you sell your soul to the Devil?
I no believe in Devil.
Would you run from the police?
If I think I could get away, probably?
Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not?
Considering I don't really want to get married and that I have had sex, yes, yes I would...
Would you give me $5?
Maybe. Only if you spend it on drugs and/or booze.
Would you go rock climbing?
Probably not! (scaredofheights)
Would you date someone older than you?
Of Course. Who wouldn't? I don't really expect to find someone born on my exact birthday...
Would you drop out of school or quit your job?
I quit jobs all the time. School....is kind of a life-sentence for me.
Would you cry if MySpace stopped working?
Would you do drugs?
Yes, please.
Would you lie to your best friend?
I have. Yes.
10 Favorite Questions...
Snakes or rabbits?
Both! <3
Kleenex or Puffs?
Brand-names? Meh, I will use anything to blow my snot into. Beware!
Long or short hair?
Girls, long. Boys, short. Me, long. You, should shave it all off. :P
Disney or Warner Brothers?
Uh...............I don't care?
What's the best concert you've seen?
Hmm, well, recently, White Stripes. Soon, I hope it is Leonard Cohen! <3
Favorite athlete?
What's an athlete? *twirls hair*
Touch or be touched?
Touch. I hate being touched first. *shudders* I have issues with personal space.
Collar popped or normal?
Please do us a favor and never ever ever pop your collar, kthxbye.
Logic or art?
Art, but also logic. I like the balance. Of course, it also depends on what we are referring to and when and who and etc.
Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset! Fuck the sunrise. It's boring and I don't want to sun to come up ever.
10 Do You Questions...
Do you believe in life after love?
Do you like cats?
I have one, yes.
Do you believe in God?
Do you want to have kids?
I don't know yet. I'm not adverse to them. I am an Auntie. So, that's cool...
Do you have any collections?
Yes. Let's not get into that. But books is a huge one.
Do you believe in love?
Sure do. Makes the world go round and all that jazz.
Do you like to learn?
School is terminal with me. So, yes!
Do you like sports?
/throwsup Although, I guess I don't mind hockey. This year I haven't been watching though.
Do you believe in miracles?
It's a miracle if I complete this quiz...
Do you memorize random facts?
Heheh, yes and no. I have a bad memory for some things.
10 Have You Questions...
Have you ever been asked out?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Have you ever been to a concert?
Have you ever been on the radio?
Don't think so. I do talk in my sleep though. I wonder if I dial phones and talk on the radio...
Have you ever beat someone up?
I've gotten into fights with my sister and my brothers that involved me getting beaten...
Have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Have you ever been on a boat?
Yes. They make me sick.... *turnsgreenandhurls*
Have you ever been homeless?
Have you met anyone online?
My ex. Peeps in Chicago. Penpal in England and one in Alaska. Then a special penpal in New Orleans.
Have you ever gone to a public school?
10 Misc Questions...
What is your biggest fear?
Explain what you think about abortion.
Okay by me if it's okay by the person getting it.
One rumor that's been spread about you:
I do the spreading! LMFAO.
When is your birthday?
November 28th.
What was the last insult you received?
Hmm----------no comment.
Where did you last go on vacation?
New Brunswick for FamilyChristmasFunTimes2007
How tall are you?
Are you afraid of the dark?
OMF, I love that show! *squeals*
Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart?
Pet Smart? I dunno. Now that you ask, I don't know! *killsself*
What would be the worst way to die?
Cancer of the liver. :'( My aunt died this way.
Did you like this survey?
Torture. Miracle I finished...