Title: Son of Heaven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 10,600
Summary: Iroh's son is dead, and his appeal to the spirits has failed. But his grief is interrupted when he's called away from Ba Sing Se to deal with an insubordinate unit: the Rough Rhinos, who've been making sport of Earth Kingdom peasants
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Comments 8
Also Excellent, and Moving.
Are there any plans to continue this? Zuko's burning & banishing would probably still happen, but with Jet as well as Iroh aboard his ship, the three years at sea would likely turn out differently...
Regardless, I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed this story! It took me a long time to get around to writing it, so I'm glad it turned out okay :)
Growing up as more-or-less brothers would put the kibosh on any Jetko romance, no matter if one or both of 'em are gay.
For gay couples, Sokka and Zuko's personalities complement each other better than Sokka and Jet's personalities.
If Jet and Zuko are both straight, Katara would totally fall for Jet's roguish charms first, but she could later appreciate and even favor Zuko's awkward earnestness. Toph and Jet would become best buddies after Jet realizes that the blind girl can see him more clearly than anyone else and won't put up with any B-S from him, and the two of them would have great fun teasing Zuko. Once Toph matures enough for romance, she could end up with either of them depending on what she decides she wants in a husband; someone to joke and pull pranks and have adventures with, or someone to build a home and a family with.
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