Title: Cold as Stone
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters: Sansa/Harry the Heir
Rating: PG
Words: 392
Summary: She doesn't love him, maybe never will, but that's alright.
Warnings: Spoilers for A Feast for Crows.
Alayne Stone sat on her desk, looking down at the letter she was in the midst of finishing. It was an apology, to Ser Harrold, excusing herself of not accepting him in marriage. They were to be wed soon, Petyr had quickly arranged it all. His bastard daughter and the heir of the Vale together were the leverage he needed for his plans, and it was all coming perfectly for him.
She looks at the letter again, re-reading it. It was just a mumble of useless excuses; no matter how many times she repeated she was sorry, it would come across as offensive, and ould ruin everyone's plans. She wasn't even sure what possessed her to writing it, much alone thinking of leaving, when it was not only impossible, but not on her best interests.
'It sounds like something Sansa would write' Alayne thinks, closing the note with her fist before throwing it to the fire. 'But Sansa is dead. She's dead, and only Alayne remains.'
A million years ago, she recalls a conversation with the Queen Regent, Cersei Lannister. She had never loved her husband, but learnt to live with him through the years, and had become a powerful woman, someone Sansa Stark had looked up to in the past. Sansa Stark wished to marry for love, with her charming prince, but that prince had backstabbed her, killed her family and beated her up like she was a common whore, and all she was left with now was a heir who she had no feelings for, someone she hadn't even met yet.
But Alayne was different. She was colder and smarter than Sansa, just like her father Lord Baelish, and knew how the lords and ladies played the game of thrones. She had learnt it the hard way. Harrold Hardying could have his whores and his bastards, all of them if he wanted, just like King Robert had. She'd father his children and share his power, that was all that mattered. Maybe love could grow with time, like it had happened with Sansa's parents, maybe she could learn to love him in her way, like Cersei had with King Robert.
She doesn't love him, maybe never will, but that's alright. In the game of thrones, one can only win or die, and Alayne Stone had no plans of dying anytime soon.