Title: Runaway
Fandom: Dexter
Characters: Dexter/Hannah, mentions of Harrison
Rating: PG
Words: 374
Summary: Dexter and Hannah move to Argentina.
Warnings: Kept it spoiler-free, so yeah... no real warnings here.
Hannah sighs as she attempts to explain to the man that she doesn't understand a single word of what he's saying, that she took only two classes of spanish by now and so can only greet people and maybe say her name, but that's about it. But the guy keeps talking, and it's exasperating to the point that she actually wishes she had some poison to gift him.
After seemingly hours, Dexter comes up to the small appartment they had recently purchased, carrying one plastic bag on each hand, and has a brief talk with the man. They exchange some words in spanish before he leaves, walking down the hallway, and Hannah is again genuinely impressed by Dexter's people skills.
For a serial killer, they weren't half-bad.
"Harrison?" Dexter asks, entering the appartment. He leaves the bags in the kitchen table before turning to face her.
"Asleep in our room" she replies, noticing how she was using 'our' on that sentence. She liked it. "So, what was all that about? Because I have no idea what that guy was saying to me, and he talked a lot..."
"That was Pablo, he lives across the hall" he explained. "Wanted to let us know who he was, in case of an emergency or something."
"Oh," she mumbles. "Guess my mental plan to poison him just seems rude now."
Dexter smiles at her. She always manages to do that, get a true, genuine smile, not like the ones he faked at work or life in general at Miami.
"So, Argentina" Dexter says, getting closer, wrapping her on his arms. "Is this what you expected?"
"I don't know what I expected" Hannah admits. "I mean, I was looking for a farm here, not an appartment in the middle of a big city..."
"But I'm here with you" she smiles as he removes the golden hairs from her face. "And Harrison. And that's all I want."
She kisses him, and he knows she means every word. Hannah had dreamt of running away to Argentina for a long time, yet there was nothing she would change of it. The paradise that she saw in her dreams would never be truely perfect without Dexter on it, and she knew it.