Title: Something Blue Fandom: Buffyverse Pairing: Xander/Oz Rating: PG Words: 100 Summary: Xander has a proposition for Oz. Warnings: Set in the comics post-series (but no spoilers, since I haven't really read them, I just know that Oz meets them again). Written for open-on-sunday prompt "Blue" and 1drabble prompt "Change".
Title: Sawyer's weakness Fandom: Lost Characters: Sawyer, Boone Rating: PG Words: 243 Summary: Boone and Sawyer have a little talk after the asthma incident. Warnings: Gen. Set in early S1 after "Confidence Man".
Title: Vulnerable Fandom: Lost Characters: Sawyer/Jack Rating: R Words: 200 Summary: Sawyer had never seen Jack like this. Warnings: Explicit sexual content.
Title: I Will Wait Fandom: Buffyverse Characters: Angel/Cordy Rating: G Words: 100 Summary: Angel would always wait. Warnings: For the "Mumford & Sons" challenge at open-on-sunday and for 1drabble prompt "Silence". Set sometime between S4 finale and 5x10. Angsty.
Title: Feverish Fandom: Lost Characters: Sawyer/Jack Rating: PG Words: 227 Summary: Jack's a doctor, so he should know how to deal with his boyfriend's cold Warnings: Set in the flash-sideways 'verse. Established relationship.
Title: Anchor Fandom: Teen Wolf Characters: Jackson/Lydia, Derek Rating: PG Words: 409 Summary: Jackson needs an anchor. Warnings: Post-S2. Written for 1drabble community challenge.
Title: Hopeless Wanderer Fandom: BtVS Characters: Buffy/Faith Rating: PG Words: 109 Summary: Faith's falling off the rail. Buffy won't allow it. Warnings: Written for the "Mumford & Sons" challenge at open_on_sunday. Post-series finale.
Title: Slave 4 U [1/3] Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Dean/Benny Rating: R Words: 1243 Summary: Many nasty things were said about pirates. Some of them were true. But most of them didn't apply to Benny. Warnings: AU. Slave!Dean. Explicit sexual relationships. Implied non-con. Part 1 of 3 to come
Title: Quiet Fandom: BtVS Characters: Xander/Cordelia Rating: PG Words: 100 Summary: Moments of silence with Cordelia were more than rare. Warnings: Written for open_on_sunday & 1drabble communities.