1. Do you tend to rip the paper off waterbottles?
Beer bottles more than water bottles, but most assuredly yes.
2. If the mob was after you, what would you do?
Why the hell would the mob be after me? I guess my real reaction would be to go to the police. Get in the witness protection program or something.
3. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
4. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
"The chance" makes it sound as if it would be a bonus for me, not a favor for someone else. Therefore, no. If it were as a favor, sure.
5. What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
Full Sail School of Film. Their ads have a college-aged guy in a cowboy hat who I find very attractive. Yes.
6. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Beer Bike, Food & Wine Festival, parents visiting, other stuff too. Lots coming up soon. Plus a big job change (within the company), it seems!
7. When will you turn 18?
I love that this is posed as an "in the future" question. Just like when quizzes talk about your favorite teacher or the like. Kinda quaint. Anyway, the answer is negative six years and 309 days.
8. If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
Depends how big it is. Obviously there's a fight or flight reaction, but my point is my choice wouldn't always be flight.
9. What is your screen name?
jadewolfdruid. It's very old and I'm not on it much. When I created it I was careful to make something I wouldn't have to spell. Instead, people always ask me to explain where it came from. I'd make a new one, except I don't really have a need to communicate on AIM anymore.
10. What song are you currently listening to?
None. My cubicle neighbor's computer is beeping a lot, though. Oh, wait, I had to return to this question. Someone just played "Muffin Man" on a recorder on the other side of the room. WTF?
11. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
Hmm... hard to define. I mean, I've never completely blacked out involuntarily, but I've definitely lied down and slept places I would not have otherwise done so.
12. If you caught a significant other cheating on you what would you do?
Be upset. Talk about it. Decide where to go from there. I mean, what answer do they want here? This was written by someone under 18. Maybe they think the proper answer is some sort of revenge...
13. What time did you wake up this morning?
8:15? I think? I'm not a morning person. They kinda blur together a bit.
14. Do you have any cousins?
15. Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?
No. I really can't fathom the sequence of events that would lead to that point.
16. Who was the last person you talked to?
In person, Horacio. Online,
17. What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
HAHAHA what did I say about loving quizzes that ask things like this? The worst thing they teach (or really, imply) at school is that life is like a series of definable and discreet problems.
18. Where do you plan on living when you grow up?
/shrug. Whatever works out.
19. What was your dream this morning?
One involved a friend of mine acting totally out of character. It was strange and amusing but I will not go into detail so as not to be repetitive. Another involved school, and having to answer some sort of problem or question on some sort of assignment that was probably late. Those dreams bother me while I'm asleep but feel so good when I wake up. HA! I DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT! IN YOUR FACE! Total weight lifted. Sorry to those reading this who are still in school--but on the other hand, you don't have to deal with the downsides of an office job either, so feel free to rub my face in that :P
20. How many times have you seen your favorite movie?
Um... 15? Or so? Give or take a few.
21. Where was the last place you traveled to?
Work. Excluding my typical commute, Houston. Last place I "traveled" as defined by a vacation or the like, upstate NY for the holidays.
22. How was your past weekend?
Fun! Saw Phils/SpoCo concert, had a beer with
skip_conrad, got to be with my boy, hung out a lot with
zadriana, finally met
pmdare... good times.
23. What is your favorite song?
Always a difficult question for me. My favorite band is definitely Guster, if that helps.
24. If puppies stayed small forever, would you buy one?
Well sure they'd be cute, but they'd be forever rambunctious. And always in the midst of house training? No, I'd rather have a dog that grows up, thanks.
25. What is the best ice cream flavor?
I agree with
xyloart that generally mint chocolate chip mint is the superior choice. But Amy's often has other lovely choices. Like B-52 ice cream. Or the Car Bomb milkshake I had at Alamo at the Oscar showing: Guinness ice cream topped with Irish whiskey whipped cream. Mmmm.
More later, maybe.