Sun, 15:28: RT @ StevenBrust: Was thinking of a story in which a sentient being of electricity is produced by by rubbing two balloons together. I decide…
Sat, 14:55: Yeah, I'm getting to where this "balance" thing is like a trophy for participation. We need a new Walter Cronkite t…
Fri, 15:21: Listening to Trumpettes this morning on NPR turning somersaults & twisting in every direction possible to justify T…
Thu, 18:46: RT @ RepAdamSchiff: The President’s suggestion that those involved in the whisteblower complaint should be dealt with as "we used to do" for…
Wed, 14:34: RT @ RepAdamSchiff: The transcript of the call reads like a classic mob shakedown: - We do a lot for Ukraine - There’s not much reciprocity…
Wed, 14:38: RT @ HeidiNBC: The exact words I was given were that Trump said he’d like to “figure this out.” Pelosi said: “Tell your
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Tue, 17:18: Okay, what, precisely, am I doing, Twitter? That's the second time in two days you locked me out and demanded I pr…
Sun, 15:41: RT @ californiabucki: @ KevinMKruse I'm just gonna keep posting this bumper sticker I saw because it made me cackle out loud in the CVS parki…
Sat, 13:44: RT @ ResisterSiano: If 5 year old kids can deal with active shooting drills and living in constant fear, then gun owners can deal with backg…