So, last night I had a massive TV orgy and watched Glee, The Voice, and caught up with the recent SPN episode "Frontierland." OMG FANGIRL BRAIN EXPLOSION.
Oh, Glee. I can't decide if I love you or hate you with your mad and anvilicious plotting, and your wacky antics and earnest feel-good message. Something is really rubbing me the wrong way about the way they are handling Emma's OCD storyline. (and it probably doesn't help that I just want to punch Will Schuster in the throat every time he starts talking. Which takes a lot when you're a hot blond who can dance and sing like that, I'm just sayin.')
But Santana! And Brittany! Were just breaking my heart the whole time. Sniff. Our least-favorite jock is becoming more interesting now that he's actually dealing with his shit.
Kurt is back! I appreciate that they gave his reasons for returning to McKinley in a song, though I found it slightly jarring to have this beautiful broadway number stuck in the middle of everything. Hopefully we haven't actually seen the last of Blaine. And I appreciate his general fabulousness in this episode (though I did occasionally have a "really, you're wearing that at school" moment).
Lauren is a rock star. That is all.
OMG THIS SHOW FILLS ME WITH SO MUCH GLEE!! You don't even know. I enjoyed the hell out of this - I love the competition between the judges, and I'm already interested in some of the singers that have made it through.
So Christina is building team Diva, is she? THIS IS MADE OF WIN. Can't wait to see how that shit goes down. (Though the bald lesbian rocker at the end of the episode? Love her all to pieces, but man, she is in trouble when she gets home! Her girlfriend barely got a celebratory hug there. But I love that she was all "Christina kissed me OMG!")
I love all the judges already. I did not expect that at ALL. Cee-lo is just a strange little man, isn't he? Adam seems like he is every bit the vicious competitor that the other judges were painting him as. And Blake! I had not met Blake before - had to go look up his songs. I'm enjoying him. Seems like he might get run over a bit, though I can't wait to see what he brings to the table, since he's coming from a very different musical perspective than everyone else.
So who wins the random skeevy comment award for the night? Cee-lo or Blake?
Okay, do I really have to tell you how much I liked this? I love westerns. I LOVE THIS LIKE GIANT BAGS OF EASTER CANDY. I was literally squealing out loud and clapping my hands all through this episode. I love the exchange about Dean's western kink (and I need so many screen caps of Sam in that shirt...and that jacket...) and all of Dean's ridiculous faces as he encounters various parts of the old west. Oh, I also need lots of screencaps of Dean in the hat and duster - his EYES in the showdown sequence, man.
Cas, Cas, Cas, whatever are you up to upstairs? I'm sorry we didn't get more of Rachel - I liked her for a brief moment there. Interesting that he can suck energy out of souls like that. And just what is it that he's doing that is completely wrong? (Love Bobby's whole process with his "souloscopy" as well)
In conclusion: Samuel Colt is more badass than you.