Reply to this meme by yelling 'WORDS!', and I will give you five words that remind me of you.
Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.
Keep in mind that if I don't know you that well, your words might end up kind of odd or weird.
1.) X-Files: I was really into the t.v. show while I was in middle school and high school. My biggest phrase during high school was "Expect the unexpected". I've since grown a bit nostalgic about the show despite the fact that I have the first two seasons on dvd.
2.) Viggo Mortensen: I've seen a few of his movies before he reprised his role as Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movies, but I've sort of become enamored of the man. I have written a slash fanfic about him and a few of his co-stars from the Lord of the Rings.
3.) Farscape: This is another sci-fi type show I was really into in my high school years. Of course, Ben Browder was rather nice on the eyes, in my opinion, but apparently the combination of him and Claudia Black has not been good for shows. Farscape only lasted like 3 seasons and SG-1 didn't last too much longer after they joined the cast.
4.) Gameing: I'm not sure how to take this, but I'll go with games that I play. I do own a Playstation 2 and have a number of games for it, but since I didn't get it until I was in college, I only play sporadically. There are a few apps on facebook that I keep up with and I love,love,love to play freecell when I'm home. Other than that, I don't really do many games, although I'd like to get into D&D if I could find a group that's take a complete adult newbie.
5.) Stargate Universe: I saw the movie Stargate and a few episodes of SG-1, but didn't really get into either SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis. Now that I live in Gravel Switch and closer to my Aunt (who has the cable that allows me to watch t.v.) I'm getting into more of a habit of watching t.v. more regularly. Stargate Universe just happened to be one of the shows that I've grown attached to watching; it has intrigued me from the beginning, and I'm wondering what Dr. Rush has to hide and why there's such animosity between him and Colonel Young.
I hope this quenches your thirst. If not, just ask me to expand on any of my explanations.