
Feb 26, 2008 21:13

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Dwight Howard deserverd that shit, he diden't technically dunk it but c'mon, look how high he went, and from behind the backboard? are you insane?????? and to top it off the throw the ball with your right against the backboard catch it with your left hand then dunk it , fuck your cup cake.

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Did you know the Fergie did meth? and that Will.I.AM is ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

This is Phil anonymous February 27 2008, 14:03:36 UTC
Um you didn't know Kids Incorporated was just a front? Thats where I used to go to get all my meth. Their coke was fishscale too.


skamanmike March 3 2008, 16:46:42 UTC
That cupcake looked pretty tasty. What the fuck was up with that clown in the kids incorporated video? The kids in that baby safe haven thing don't look like they're feeling it. The knocked up skank has really pretty eyes, though.


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