Title: it’s a two-handed kind of war Author: fated_addiction Characters/Pairings: Rachel; Rachel/Will Rating: Adult Word Count: 2,350 Spoilers: General/Special Education Summary: Now, together, let’s practice the excuse: it’s always complicated. Just go and put his favorite perfume on. For the glee_kink_meme.
title: godless city rating: r pairing: will/rachel summary: this isn't what it was always like. a/n: I thought I could pretend I was over these two, what even?
Title: it’s always something wicked Author: fated_addiction Characters/Pairings: Rachel; Rachel/Will Rating: Adult Word Count: 4,600 Spoilers: General/Special Education Summary: If only there were competitions for poorly hidden secrets; teachers and students, it’s all relative anyway. For the glee_kink_meme.
Title: only it’s just not jagger Author: fated_addiction Characters/Pairings: Rachel; Rachel/Will Rating: Adult Word Count: 2,241 Spoilers: General/Never Been Kissed Summary: The song, it goes a little something like this: shake your hips, you wild, wild thing. For the glee_kink_meme.
Title: the high school trap Author: fated_addiction Characters/Pairings: Rachel; Rachel/Will Rating: Adult Word Count: 3,133 Spoilers: General. Summary: Somewhere between your first week and maybe the next two, the rumor mill is going to start wandering around. It’s going to get close. For the glee_kink_meme.
Title: winter is for ohio Author: fated_addiction Characters/Pairings: Rachel; Will/Rachel Rating: Adult Word Count: 2,839 Spoilers: General Summary: There are a million ways this could go. There will always be that opportunity. A small moment, three years later, and this is the first.
Title: the heart wants Author: fated_addiction Characters/Pairings: Rachel; Will/Rachel Rating: PG Word Count: 4,125 Spoilers: General Summary: We are all fools. There's no time limit to that truth.