Oct 09, 2010 16:20
[There's some tapping of buttons for a moment, some shaking noises -- an irritated, childish voice pops up a moment later, in a low murmur.] -- Why the hell am I -- [another moment] Kinda like the Cocoon knicknacks ... All right, I got it...
[The voice is louder now, authoritative and sharp, and to those who know of Earth, the accent is reminiscent of an Australian accent. ...And whoever it is sounds like a little boy.] Listen up! I'm gonna skip the part where we all introduce ourselves and play nice. Whoever's responsible for all this hocus-pocus, I want some answers, and I want 'em sonner rather than later. [Super intimidating there...with her tiny little boy voice.]
[a beat, then, with a bit more hesitance. Softer:] Light, Snow, Hope. Sazh. If you're around and still kicking, I wanna hear from you. Me'n'Vanille are...somewhere. Never seen this place before, but it sure as hell ain't Pulse and I figure it's nowhere near Cocoon either.
Might wanna make it quick, too. Havin' a couple of technical difficulties over here. Can't even pick up my damn spear.
cmt: oerba dia vanille,
cmt: serah farron,
oerba yun fang