May 20, 2010 14:23
--This- This must be a mistake, surely. I shouldn't be anywhere, I shouldn't be alive no less. Yet, it feels surreal to be but a dream.
Fragments of a soul within the body of a child, my body too- it was suppose to be-! [A short pause.]
'Loophole', we're suppose to head there, that's what I've heard at least. I'm suppose to take the final step to.. pass over? But, I cannot rest, not yet. I have to be there with Oz, to watch over, I need to make sure Glen doesn't repeat.. his actions again. I need to stop the Baskervilles.
..How do I even use this? I've never seen such a thing before. ..Can others hear me? Hello? Hello?
cmt: the prince,
cmt: elika,
jack vessalius,
cmt: charles j. chrishunds