Permission/Stats Meme

Aug 23, 2007 23:10

Birthday: August 3
Age: 11 (Canon) 12 13
Height: 142 cm / 4'8"
Weight: 35 kg / 77 lbs
Eyes: Blackish-Brown
Hair: Black
Medical Info: Healthy like a crow!

Physical Traits: Cooro's pretty fit for an eleven year old thanks to all the traveling he does, but other than that he is just your typical kid. Though, on the side of each shoulder are his +Anima tattoos, which look like swirls with feather-things sticking out.

What's Okay to Mention Around Him/Her: Aaaaaaanything, Cooro is sturdy.

Abilities: Has wings of a crow! Can fly! Also, his eyes are a little sharper than normal people's and he... has a sort of ability to sense other +Anima? Or at least, he can tell who is and isn't one.

Notes for the Psychics: ... See Husky's mini essay TWO LINES OF INFO for this. But other than the crow spirit thing, what you see is what you're getting with Cooro.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap?: Of course! Contact me for the go. |D

Kissing/Hugging: Cooro is squishy and loveable GO FOR IT.

Maim/Murder/Death: S-Sad tiny +Anima, but contact me first and we can talk it over.

Cooking: Proooobably one of the worst cooks in the group; he's more the type to eat things raw.


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