yes yes yes, got some music to my song, and iv named it 'flying angel' but i think it needs a sort of rename..and everytime i play it i sing the words slightly different, so i ned to find a fix set of lyrics
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today was pretty good i think...erm, english, decided to start c/wrk ideas, and i think ill write a music review for a local band (room 44) and/or just hand in one of my lj entries, coz im allowed to do that :O crrrazee
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yesterday felt like absolute shit, dizzy, lightheaded, headache, runy nose, sore throat, weakness, was in bed all morning, then on the sofa all afternoon, then on computer most of evening
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this is an e-mail i received, and it made me smile (well, i wud hav smiled if i wasnt full of fucking cold!!!) and its full of things i can think about, smile about, remember and look forward to
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inem gig was fun link was fun learnt how to meditate properly cant be bothered writin it all down, im a lil tired talkin to my ex gf from like year 1 lol, called tiggy shes all emofied and rebellious like me!! did not recognise her at all in her pics!! time is a bummer