A couple of things to note today. Finally got in touch with a certain Nola survivor and returned home native outside of the slow LJ process of talking. I see good things happening there. Second off, I added new people to my LJ friends list. Don't even rightly recall how I stumbled across them, but yeah, they're furry types and seem quite hip and groovy. Though them young folks might shudder hearing my previous gen labels. Haha. Previous Generation. Yes, I'm getting older and at least a little wiser. Still dislike my job, but there's a ray of hope that I'll at least be at another post in a few months, if not running another post myself. Supervisor William. Yup, the boss, the head cheese, THE MAN! Only problem is people like sticking it to The Man. Speaking of sticking things to the man, wonder if Swamp Boy will get his cam up and running soon. He's got a really nice hat I want to see. Yes, insider joke unless you've seen the hat. So my online social contacts are picking up at least. Who knows, when vacation time comes around, I might take a drive down to the battered swamp lands and ol' Nola. In reference to a post by Swamp Boy, there's a couple of butts that need scratching down there. Still no luck on the romance front though, but I've gained a small measure of hope, up from none. Yes, as a matter of fact, I have had daydreams today about a couple of these events. No, I'm not sharing because that's sure to jinx them. So I'll just roll along where it takes me and try not to place my wheeled wooden vehicle ahead of my equine beast of burden. Cart before the horse in other words. Saw that in Reader's Digest. Long versions of popular sayings. Such as "Do not calculate your hard shelled fowl embryos before the time of their exit from said shell."